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他这样做太放肆了。It is too presumptuous of him to do so.

切不可自以为是。One should never be presumptuous and opinionated.

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在简历上说这句话是很不负责任、过于自负的行为。At the resume stage, this is anirresponsible and presumptuous thing to say.

他仍然觉得她非常高傲,确实,这是她的一部分魅力所在。Shehad struck him as rather presumptuous -indeed it was a part of her charm.

我早已经过了青少年期,因此你也许觉得我说的似乎不着边际、过于放肆。I’m no longer a teen-ager, so what I say might seem irrelevant, presumptuous.

他仍然觉得她特别高傲,旳确,这是她旳─部分魅力所在。She had struck him as rather presumptuous -indeed it was a part of her charm.

他们胆大任性,毁谤在尊位的也不知惧怕。Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.

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首先,“遗留”这个术语对于银行大型机解决方案而言并不恰当。First, "legacy" is a presumptuous term when applied to banking mainframe solutions.

相反,它被反斥为这场灾难的始作俑者的倒打一耙。On the contrary, it is condemned as presumptuous blame-shifting by the originator of the catastrophe.

解决中国污染不大可能像好管闲事而专横的外国人所想的那么简单。The Chinese population is unlikely to be brushed off as easily as the nosy and presumptuous foreigners.

试着让自己认为他一直都是一个傲慢自大,专横跋扈的男人。And tried to remind myself that when we first met I thought he was an arrogant, presumptuous little man.

他还说,建议政府什么时候,以及怎样调整汇率却是十分鲁莽的。He said that it would be presumptuous to suggest to the government how and when revaluation might occur.

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有些背景墙装饰设计过于散乱,往往喧宾夺主。Design of adornment of some setting wall is too messy, often a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role.

芷兰没有把手伸过去。凌凡有点尴尬的搓了搓手。他觉得自己有点冒昧。Elaine has reached over. Ling Fan is a bit awkward rubbed his hands together. He felt a bit presumptuous.

我会的,这是我的不情之请,那些孩子想你去看看他们,对他们讲讲话。I will. And this is my presumptuous request that the children want you to see them and say something to them.

如我所说,恕我冒昧这样说,当那种情况出现并且继续出现时,全世界都将受益。And as I said, presumptuous of me to say this, if that occurs and continues to occur, it will benefit the whole world.

我的女儿迪伦和儿子霍珀都认识到,写一篇获奖感言实在是太令人为难了,所以我打算不写什么草稿。My daughter Dylan and son Hopper find it presumptuous and embarrassing to write a speech, and so I'm gonna give it a go without.

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他建议这些组织可以成为更为开朗的亚太共同体的“砖石”。嗤之以鼻的亚洲人必将此试之澳大利亚的专横。He suggests they may become "building blocks" for his more expansive Asia-Pacific Community. Sniffy Asians will surely see that as presumptuous.

我也不希望这被认为是放肆,一个来自下层和卑微阶级的人居然胆敢审视和替君主们制定治国之道。I wish that it be thought presumptuous if a man of low andinferior social condition dares to examine and lay down rules for thegovernance of princes.

显然地,一小群人把这些事情保密起来而还有很多人在承受那么多的苦难,这是专横和邪恶的。Clearly, it is presumptuous and immoral for a small group of individuals to keep these things under wraps while there is so much misery on the planet.