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它们现在的构造格局基本上是在晚上新世或早更新世奠定的。Their tectonic framework was basically underlain in early Pleistocene or late Pliocene.

我现在每天都在找XX借钱,做工程项目都垫进去了。I am looking for XX to borrow money every day now, for mine underlain for making the engineering project.

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据报道,站点由主要强调包括沙子和黏土的四个一组的年龄冲积层。Reportedly, the site is mainly underlain by alluvial deposits of Quaternary Age comprising sand and clay.

沉积盆地是地壳上一片底部是厚厚的沉积岩层的区域。A sedimentary basin is an area of the earth's crust that is underlain by a thick sequence of sedimentary rocks.

油池是珍贵的地下积油,而油田是一个一个地下油池组成的地区。Oil pools are valuable underground accumulations of oil, and oil fields are regions underlain by one or more oil pools.

采空区的危害性评价是矿区高速公路建设技术难题之一。Hazard potential evaluation of regions underlain mined caverns is one of difficult technical problems in highway engineering.

笔者通过详细研究,认为这些复杂褶皱是一种水底重力滑塌构造。Through an exhaustive study the writers consider that it is a kind of gravity sliding structure underlain the underwater collapse.

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前者是注意复述和注意偏向竞争综合作用的结果,而后者只是注意复述机制的一种外在表现。The former was underlain by both attention-based rehearsal and attentional biased competition, while the latter was only the consequence of attention-based rehearsal.

此外,培地茅根系在随时间生长之情况下,根系入土越深越能有效提升边坡之稳定性。Moreover, as the time elapsed, the growth of root system of vetiver grass can deeply penetrate the underlain soil layer and effectively increase the stability of hill slope.

在蒸发岩、玄武岩等高阻抗岩层发育地区,常规反射地震往往难以获取高阻抗层以下的地层地质信息。It is difficult for conventional reflection seismic surveys to get the information of low velocity layers underlain high acoustic impedance layers, such as evaporites and basalts.

实验的场景被艺术家安排在了一处桃园中,从背景角度单纯的看作品,似乎是一件不错的风景习作——桃花开满枝头,映衬在绿色的草地上,无论是画面的构图还是色彩运用都显得非常自然。The scene of the experiment was set in a peach garden, and the peach blossoms were blowing being underlain with the green grass land. Each element of the landscape looks naturally.

青岛百老汇影院保留一切修改会员卡条款的权利及最终解释权。The BCBJ of Broadway reserves the final decision and the ultimate right to make any changes to all terms and conditions underlain by Broadway Cinema VIP membership scheme without prior notice.