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他用绳子将柴捆好。He tied the sticks with cords.

他总是穿着那条蓝色的灯心绒裤。He always wears the blue cords.

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让人们再一次结绳。Let the people again knot cords.

大多数动物是三角形声带。Most animals have triangular vocal cords.

求祢以慈绳爱索把我们系在祢心中。With cords of love bind us to your heart.

是否有你不需要的无关线头?Are there extraneous cords you don’t need?

在什么角度应铺设钢线?At what angle should the steel cords be laid?

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纵走的索称为连索。The longitudinal cords are termed connectives.

纵走的索称为连索。The longitudinal cords are termed connectives.

这些是立方细胞排列成的上皮索状结构。These are epithelial cords of block-like cells.

要有多厚的聚酯和钢线是什么?How thick should the polyester and steel cords be?

声带开始愈合,我也能够再次唱出来了。my vocal cords healed and I learned to sing again.

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试想一下另外如降落伞绳索和吊桥上的绳索。Think parachute cords and suspension bridge cables.

电话线和灯线是否放在隐蔽处?Are telephone and lamp cords placed inconspicuously?

是否所有线脚都在它们插头的两端?Are all of your cords labeled at both ends of their plugs?

喉声带下方可见大溃疡。Below the vocal cords in this larynx are large ulcerations.

当他们在我的脚腕上拴绳子的时候,我都哭出来了。I was already crying as they tied the cords round my ankles.

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那些狗被切除了声带。Those dogs were debarked by removal of the true vocal cords.

你曾经试图想要解开一团缠在一起的线团吗?HAVE you ever tried to undo a bunch of tangled wires or cords?

如何处理你那些电子器材的线脚?How do you handle cords and cables for your electronic equipment?