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换种说法,即库仑力。Or just to be pluralistic in our language, coulombic force.

何来当今中国社会的开放和多元?How can we see an open and pluralistic society in China now?

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这是诗人田斌坚持的创作方向。This is the direction and pluralistic line of writing that Mr.

多元化的社会要求诸种宗教的共同存在。Pluralistic societies require religions to coexist in proximity.

诸如此类的群体能够在多元社会中相互竞争。Groups like these compete against each other in a pluralistic society.

素质教育是全民性教育,也是创造性和多元化的教育。As nationwide education, quality education is creative and pluralistic.

传统处世哲学在价值层面呈现著多元取向。Fourth, the traditional social philosophy is pluralistic in its values.

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“多元交互主义”是张东荪所提出的起独特的整合作用的学说。Pluralistic Interactionism"is a theory created by Zhang Dongsun personally."

目前伊斯兰主义者正试图在一个多元化制度内组织政党。The Islamists are now trying to organize as political parties within a pluralistic system.

巴西文化源远流长,积淀厚重。其内涵体现在人文历史上,是多元而多彩的。Baxi culture has a long history and its connotation shows pluralistic features in humanities.

对当代越剧而言,正经历着艺术形态的多元化发展阶段。Contemporary Shaoxing opera is going through the pluralistic development of the artistic form.

目前冷宏任上海大学艺术学院的兼职教授。Leng Hong is currently a Pluralistic Professor at the Fine Art College of Shanghai University.

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在当前多元化的社会价值观中,后物质主义价值观取向的出现值得关注。Among the current pluralistic social values, the emergence of post-materialism is worthy of attention.

你将会在一个多元化的环境下,同一群充满活力、积极进取的中外籍员工一起工作。You will be in a pluralistic environment, with a group of energetic, motivated employees to work together.

我和全球所有的长辈们在一起尽力维护文化的繁荣,一起维护文明的传承。Many friends, sagacious elderships and me work together to protect pluralistic culture and the civilization.

现在,您在一个委员供职,为总统,就如何明显推动美国成为多元化国家提出建议。And now you are on a council advising the president on how to move forward obviously in a pluralistic nation.

巴特追求的是一个自由的阐释空间,一个立体的多元的文本生产空间。What Balter pursues is a free interpretation space, a three-dimensional and pluralistic text production space.

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辜氏集团是台湾第5大经营多项业务的集团公司,总资产超过12000亿新台币。The Koos Group is Taiwan's 5th largest pluralistic group of companies with total assets of more than NTD 1,200 billion.

换句话说,我们应该支持的,是那些虽然可能属于不同政体,但同样追求和平与多元发展的中东国家。In other words, we should stand for a nonviolent but pluralistic Middle East in which a variety of regimes might evolve.

形成了从秦、汉以来延续2000余年的大一统多元性文化。Forming eventually a united, pluralistic culture that has been lasting OVER 2000 years since the Qing and Hang Dynasties.