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她曾建立了辽王朝。She has created Liao Dynasty.

我想要和廖先生说话。I would like to talk to Mr. Liao.

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后来,廖凤又开始注射毒品。Later, Liao Feng began injecting drug.

大地,你跟廖佳照一张相。Dadi, you take a picture with Liao Jia.

首先是清末民初的廖平。The first is the late Qing dynasty Liao.

廖民辉对他的女儿寄予厚望。Liao Minhui had aspirations for his daughter.

后来,廖凤又开始注射毒品。Later, Liao Feng started injecting drug users.

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廖万春1973年生于浙江温州。Liao Wanchun born in Zhejiang Province in 1973.

廖先生在身边也找到了灵感。Mr. Liao also found inspiration closer to home.

声乐艺术成就奖廖昌永。Arts Achievement Award of Vocality Liao Changyong.

廖文胜校长赴韩国访问考察。Headmaster Liao Wensheng visited Korea for research.

后来又调来一名男老师,叫廖增益。Another male teacher, named Liao Zhengyi, came later.

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辽沈地域建筑和文化的特征。Liao Shen the feature of region building and culture.

杨兴合、廖丹、蒋鑫等等。For example, Yang Xinghe, Liao Dan, Jiang Xin and so on.

就在沈凡的计划马上就要实现的时候,被廖家人发现了。In Shen's plan is about to be realized, Liao family found.

廖公第一次过海,来到新加坡!Liao Gong making Singapore his first overseas destination!

通辽哪有在衣服上印图案的?。Which has Tong Liao City to print pattern's on the clothes?

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辽代时大连地区属东京通辽阳府的辖区。Dalian is the time Liao Tong Liaoyang Prefecture Tokyo area.

ERNI的上海区域业务由廖胜华领导。Regional operations in Shanghai are headed by Liao Shenghua.

燎祭之典后被周族人所承袭并有所增益。"Liao sacrifice"was inherited anddeveloped by Zhou clansman.