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“又怎么了?”我不耐烦的问道。"What now?" I asked irritably.

那个家伙不耐烦地摇了摇头。The fellow shook his head irritably.

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“哦它是你!”兔性急地说。Oh it's you! " said Hare irritably ."

他想到她一定会反复说的,就要生气。She could certainly rub it in, he thought irritably.

他发火了,暴躁地斥责孩子们。He lost his temper and snapped irritably at the children.

你忘说魔术用语了,“哈利烦躁地说。"you've forgotten the magic word, " said Harry irritably.

你忘说魔术词汇了,“哈利烦躁地说。"you've forgotten the magic word, " said Harry irritably.

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猎人打鼾了急燥并且放他的马入摊位。The hunter snorted irritably and put his horse into the stall.

他生气地大吼,您好歹是在欧洲,在美国受过教育的。He demanded irritably . You were schooled in Europe and America.

“还有这雨,谁都觉得受不了啦。”他没好气地继续说。"And the rain-that's enough to make anyone jumpy, " he continued irritably.

“我当然会讨厌了——你也会的,”她有点生气地回答说。"Of course I should hate it--so would you, " she rejoined, a trifle irritably.

“噢,一准是我的花被博福特的压住了,”阿切尔烦躁地说。"Oh, well, no wonder mine were overshadowed by Beaufort's, " said Archer irritably.

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记者昨日了解到,重庆站的门票一直持续火爆。Reporter found yesterday, Chongqing station's admission ticket has continued irritably.

他焦躁地想着,她还有很长的路要走,对他俩那都将是艰难的路程。She had a long way to go, he thought irritably , and it was going to be a difficult road for both of them.

他因而感着十分烦躁,两手插在衣袋中,不住的在地板上走来走去。He moved irritably as he thought of it, shoved his hands in his pockets and walked to and fro across the floor.

她知道味丝搭显然要成为一个富有能力的女人。Vesta was evidently going to be a woman of considerable ability—not irritably aggressive, but self-constructive.

与此同时,楼盘低首付、打折、特价房、抽奖等各种各样的促销活动也火爆上演。Meanwhile, the estate bows the head pays, discounts, the special price room, to draw and so on various promotion also irritably to perform.

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在长春市中国旅行社,工作人员告诉记者,中秋节期间,短线游火爆出乎他们的意料。In Changchun China Travel Service, the staff tell reporter, Mid-Autumn Festival period, the short line tours stems from their anticipation irritably.

原料来源更加讲究纯天然,做工上避免中国的大火爆炒,和文火慢炖降低食品营养流失。Raw material originates even more is fastidious purely natural, works avoids China frying greatly irritably , cooks slowly with the soft fire reduces food nutrition outflow.

“也许我某一天会学会对付婴孩的。”她烦躁不安地想,此时马车正在上下颠簸,东摇西晃地走出车站周围的泥浆地,“但我决不会喜欢去哄他们”。"Maybe I'll learn about babies some time, " she thought irritably , as the carriage jolted and swayed out of the morass surrounding the station, 'but I'm never going to like fooling with them.