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三聚氰胺是如何掺入小麦麸子的呢?How did the melamine wind up in the wheat gluten?

患有腹腔疾病的人不能消化面筋。People with celiac disease cannot process gluten.

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我先冲锋最好马上来个断筋。I first assault immediately to the best-off gluten.

以小麦面筋蛋白为原料,制备可食用包装膜。Edible packing films were prepared with wheat gluten.

什么是面筋和什么是过敏性反应。What is gluten and what is an allergic reaction to it.

麸质是一种在小麦、黑麦、大麦和燕麦中都能发现的蛋白质。Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, barley and oats.

不含人工调味剂,防腐剂,酵母以及谷胶蛋白。No Atificial Flavors, No Preservatives, No Yeast or Gluten.

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玉米蛋白是玉米湿法淀粉厂生产淀粉的主要副产物。Corn gluten meal was a main by-product in a corn starch plant.

那曲卷的面条为学步儿童提供了大量的条状食物。The curly noodles make a great finger food for gluten free toddlers.

做饺子皮的面粉最好选择高筋面粉或者是中筋面粉。The best choice is to make flour dumpling flour or high gluten flour.

肠道酵母增生,面筋过敏。测试含有面筋酪蛋白肽。Yeast overgrowth, gluten sensitive. Test for gluten, casein peptides.

无谷蛋白婴儿大米饼也是经美国农业部认证通过的有机食品。The gluten free toddler rice biscuits are also USDA certified organic.

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再逐步加入剩下的面粉,至筋性产生。Add in the rest of the flour gradually, until the dought product gluten.

把低筋粉和高筋粉倒入一个大碗中。Mix the low gluten flour and high gluten flour together in a large bowl.

这款无麸质柠檬曲奇是由纯柠檬制成,散发出清香的柠檬味。Lemon Zest cookies are gluten free and made with lovely real lemon flavor.

中筋面粉若添加小麦蛋白,可以用来代替高筋面粉。You may add Wheat Gluten into All-purpose Flour to substitute Bread Flour.

把低筋粉以及高筋粉倒入一个大碗中。Mix the low gluten flour and hellogh gluten flour together in a large bowl.

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在面筋或乳糖存在应清楚地提及在标签上。The presence of gluten or lactose should clearly be mentioned on the label.

至少对那些对小麦中谷蛋白过敏的人来说有进展。There is progress, at least for people who are allergic to gluten in wheat.

从膨化玉米黄粉中提取的天然黄色素是一种安全无毒的食用色素。The process of extracting maize yellow pigment from corn gluten was studied.