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哈福德郡根本就没有人喜欢他。He is not at all liked in Hertfordshire.

你喜欢赫特福德郡吗?How do you like it here in Hertfordshire?

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我希望我们能够常常在哈福德郡见面。We shall often meet, I hope, in Hertfordshire.

她住在100英里以外的赫特福郡,而我住在伦敦。She lives more than 100 miles away in Hertfordshire and I'm in London.

大部分的监测已经在英格兰国家队位于赫特福德郡的酒店里完成了。Most of it has been done on site at the England team hotel in Hertfordshire.

赫特福德大学称该校准备将学生安置在宿舍和私人住宅。Hertfordshire said it was accommodating students in halls and private housing.

讲到他以前的为人处世,除了他自己所说的以外,她完全一无所知。Of his former way of life, nothing had been known in Hertfordshire but what he told himself.

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如果你需要新的球场,为什么不去北边的恩菲德或者海特福德那些球迷多的地方?IF you need a new ground, why not go north to Enfield or Hertfordshire where lots of fans live?

尽管小贝夫妇不久将移居洛杉矶,但是赫特福德郡永远是他们在英国的老家。Although they are soon heading for the bright lights of Los Angeles, Hertfordshire is the UK base of the Beckhams.

日前,一名英国学生在赫特福德郡野生动物保护中心,拍到了一组老鼠抢食猎豹午餐的照片。A seriesof images captured by a British student in Hertfordshire show adaring brown rat nibbling a leopard's lunch.

怀斯曼等人从赫特福德郡两所小学中选取60名学生,把他们分成两组。Wiseman and others from two primary schools in Hertfordshire to select 60 students, they were divided into two groups.

这个名叫米尔顿•琼斯的喜剧演员还请来了赫特福德郡的奶牛养殖专家布鲁斯•伍德科尔做帮手。Milton Jones was joined by cow expert Bruce Woodacre on a Hertfordshire farm to test the reaction of a herd of fresians.

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在Ayot圣劳伦斯的赫特福郡村庄里只有一家商店,两座教堂,没有火车站,没有投递报纸的服务。The Hertfordshire village of Ayot St Lawrence had one shop, two churches, no railway station and no delivery of newspapers.

这次调查是赫特福德大学的心理学家怀斯曼在爱丁堡国际科学节上进行的。Richard Wiseman, a psychologist at Hertfordshire University, conducted the survey at the Edinburgh International Science Festival.

夏天我们去观察溪流,去赫特福德郡研究植物,还去海滩数海藻。We used to examine streams in summer, we would go to Hertfordshire to look at plant life, and we went to the beach to count seaweed.

在接到病人的大量投诉后,赫特福德郡东部及北部行政区的英国国民健康服务基金会最新发布了严格的护士着装标准。East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust has issued a strict new uniform policy for all staff after a series of complaints from patients.

此外,在踏入全球政坛之前,她不仅出任过哈特福德郡卫生局主席,还在子女的学校中担任校董这一要职。From there she rose to global realpolitik, chairing Hertfordshire Health Authority, not to mention the board of governors of her children’s school.

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伯克郡沃金厄姆区市政厅即将执行垃圾袋配额制度,该市政厅是由保守党领导的。赫特福德郡的布罗克斯伯恩市已经实施了该制度。The bag quota regime is to be imposed by the Tory -led council in Wokingham, Berkshire, and is already in operation in Broxbourne in Hertfordshire.

电台第五台直播的体育记者在今天早上上班途中,发现一个盘形工艺,在赫特福德郡的一个字段以上盘旋。飞碟?On his way in to work this morning, Radio 5 live's sports reporter spotted a disc shaped craft circling above a field in Hertfordshire. Was it a UFO?

嘉丁纳太太和她的孩子们还要在哈福德郡多待几天,由于她觉得,待在这里可以让外甥女们多一个帮手。Mrs. Gardiner and the children were to remain in Hertfordshire a few days longer, as the former thought her presence might be serviceable to her nieces.