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人们都发出嘲笑声。People gives out derisive sound.

别嘲笑一个孩子的错误。A taunting, scoffing, or derisive look or gibe.

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他的坦白引起了人们嘲讽的嘘叫。His confession was greeted with derisive hoots.

共和党人对此反应快速并充满嘲弄。The Republican reaction was swift and derisive.

这个海岛的战略价值嘲弄。The strategic value of the island was derisive.

我将在此稍作停顿,让嘲弄的笑声平息。I'll pause here to let the derisive laughter die down.

如此荒谬的自吹,人们自然会报以嘲笑。So absurd rodomontade , people nature can be anounced derisive.

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然而,当地大声嘲笑起来的时候,她们的脸不禁。They flushed, however, when she burst into a shout of derisive laughter.

马上就有一个人从听众席上愤怒地站起来,尽是嘲笑。Immediately a man rose from the audience, indignant and full of derisive laughter.

这是指一个女人以前是同性恋后来又重新和男人约会。This is used as a mildly derisive name for lesbians who have gone back to dating men.

乌鸦飞到他后,使各种嘲笑他的意见的方式飞行。The crow flew after him, making all sorts of derisive comments about his manner of flying.

虽然昆特船长的穿着比蒙杜斯更简朴,但是带有嘲讽意味的短笑,罗马鼻子,以及一生与鲨鱼打交道,这两人是完全一样的。But his "short, derisive bark" of a laugh, his Roman nose, and most of all his life with sharks, were just the same.

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虽然昆特船长的穿着比蒙杜斯更简朴,但是带有嘲讽意味的短笑,罗马鼻子,以及一生与鲨鱼的缠绵,这两人是完全一样的。But his “short, derisive bark” of a laugh, his Roman nose, and most of all his life with sharks, were just the same.

柔嘉放弃了嘲讽的口吻,坦白地愤恨说——“我早告诉你,我不喜欢跟赵辛楣来往。Jou-chIa dropped her derIsIve tone and spoke wIth outrIght IndIgnatIon, "I told you before. I don't lIke seeIng Chao HsIn-meI".

纽约时报上8月15日一篇关于嘲讽男子足球队的文章已经被翻译出来并被很多网站转载。An article in The New York Times on Aug. 15 about the derisive coverage of the men’s team has been translated and posted on several sites.

三周前,当“占领华尔街”的抗议开始时,大多数新闻机构即便屈尊说到这一事件,也持嘲笑的观点。When the Occupy Wall Street protests began three weeks ago, most news organizations were derisive if they deigned to mention the events at all.

美国人钟情于汽车,这一直是国内外批评家嘲笑美国人的话题。The love affair between Americans and their automobiles has been a continuing subject of derisive commentary by both foreign and domestic critics.

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赫麦妮正在吃一片面包,听伯金这样说,她忙把面包从牙缝中拉出来,那动作慢而可笑。Hermione was biting a piece of bread pulling it from between her teeth with her fingers in a slow slightly derisive movement. She turned to Birkin.

她说话的口气并不含有我已完全习惯了的那种直截了当的、含讥讽的敌意,而是声音里带着几分歉意,还有恐惧。She DID not say it with the blunt, derisive hostility to which I had grown so accustomed, but, rather, with a note of apology in her voice, and fear.

经过一段时间的专门嘲笑和消极流行的典故,以股市,提到股市非金融的设置将成为所有,但不存在的。After a period of exclusively derisive and negative popular allusions to the stock market, references to stocks in non-financial settings will become all but non-existent.