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爱丽舍宫还表示总统在医院所做的检查都是“常规的”。The Elysée said the tests he was undergoing in hospital were "standard".

四十多年后,爱丽舍再次在普福尔茨海姆金城镇登记。Forty years later, ELYSEE was re-registered in the gold town of Pforzheim.

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对此,爱丽舍宫发言人指出,总统夫妇的买花费用正在逐渐减少。When contacted, an Elysee Palace spokesman said the floral bill was being reduced.

萨科奇希望明年春天在大选中成功连任。Mr Sarkozy hopes to be returned to the Elysee Palace for a second term next spring.

爱丽舍宫,建于1718年,至今有近300年的悠久历史。The Elysee Palace, built in 1718, has a long history of closingto 300 years to date.

爱丽舍宫兴建于1718年,迄今已有近300年的历史。The Elysee Palace, built in 1718, has a long history of closing to 300 years to date.

目前支持贸易的力量太过薄弱,最明显的是在美国国会和爱丽舍宫得不到支持。But trade has too few friends these days-notably in America’s Congress and the Elysée Palace.

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在巴黎,西方外交官员在巴黎爱丽舍宫举行峰会,讨论在利比亚的军事行动。In Paris, western diplomats held a summit at Paris' Elysee Palace to discuss military action in Libya.

7月8日法国政府宣布这名会计已经公开认错,但她的律师称此举是被迫而为。On July 8th the Elysée reported that the accountant had recanted, but her lawyer said this was under duress.

共和党候选人在总统选举在十一月举行,将收到在爱丽舍宫与马提。The Republican candidate in the presidential election in November will be received at the Elysee and Matignon.

1982年,他成名后飙升设计则在巴黎爱丽舍宫总统弗朗索瓦密特朗。In 1982, he rocketed to fame after designing the Elysee Palace in Paris for then President Francois Mitterrand.

波林的桌子和椅子仍在在法国巴黎的爱丽舍宫,而他的沙发,书柜和书桌,也装饰着其他的房间。His tables and chairs are still in the Elysee Palace in Paris and his sofas, bookcase and desk adorn other rooms.

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在两人以往的接触中,萨科齐还曾暗示曼德尔森应该到爱丽舍宫来看看他。In their past encounters, Sarkozy has also intimated that Mandelson should come and see him in the Elysee Palace.

据说她和同谋者一度策划让萨科齐总统前妻塞西莉亚重回爱丽舍宫。It claimed she and her fellow plotter hatched a plan to bring back Cecilia, the president's ex-wife to the Elysee.

这段视频曝光后,爱丽舍宫立即采取了行动,因为上周日晚间,这段视频已从卡扎尔斯的博客中删除。The Elysée apparently took swift action against the film as by Sunday evening it had been removed from Mr Cazals’ blog.

伊朗国家新闻社对此反应非常强烈,称“爱丽舍宫的新主人正试图效仿白宫的做法”。Iran's state-controlled news agency replied testily that "the new occupants of the Elysée want to copy the White House".

但英王在前往爱丽舍宫途中以及在长达96小时的访法期间,始终保持着泰然自若的风度。But he maintained an imperturbable demeanour during the ride to the Elysée palace and for the duration of his 96-hour visit.

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爱丽舍宫拒绝就此书发表评论,并坚持称这些调查都是在总统不知情的情况下进行的。Elysee has denied to comment on the book and insisted these investigations were initiated without the president's knowledge.

爱丽舍宫方面称,任何针对布吕尼的人身攻击,包括传记中的内容,都“非常严重”。A source at the Elysée Palace said any attacks on Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy, including in biographies, would be viewed "very seriously".

爱丽舍宫的一份声明证实了总统夫妇分手的消息,这个消息成为法国各家报纸杂志的头号标题。An Elysee Palace statement confirmed the split, which was widely reported in banner headlines of French newspapers and magazines.