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他们拍这部片子亏了很多。They lost considerably by this film.

分析仪的启动时间大大缩短。Analyzer start-up time is considerably reduced.

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变硬的深度是非常地比较棒。The depth of hardening is considerably greater.

他迷了路,这使他耽搁了很久。He lost his way, which delayed him considerably.

这条船的帆缆受到严重毁损。The ship is considerably damaged in her rigging.

他们把这条马路加宽了不少。They have broadened out the avenue considerably.

抑制它们的形成,情况会好很多。Or at least they were dampened very considerably.

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其中大多数还是十四五岁的中学生。Girls who have abortions are considerably younger.

你会大大的加重债务负担。You may be adding considerably to your debt burden.

中国经济中的过度投资已经相当严重。Chinese economy may have over-invested considerably.

OER项目的实际代价变化相当大。The actual costs of an OER project vary considerably.

今天的风比昨天的风大得多。It's considerably windier today than it was yesterday.

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每一个方法的逻辑现在相当简单了。The logic for each method is now considerably simpler.

这个小阿子的存在使问题大为复杂。The child's existence complicated matters considerably.

三是股价大幅波动的风险。It is the risk that share price fluctuates considerably.

河流转向东流时河道大幅度变宽。The river widens considerably as it begins to turn east.

蜘蛛网可以在没有变送的情况下无限制地延伸?A spider's web can stretch considerably without weakening.

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词汇和语法都发生了巨大变化。Both the vocabulary and grammar have changed considerably.

国家外汇储备大幅度增加。China's foreign exchange reserves have risen considerably.

然而这一次它的速度慢多了。On this occasion, however,it had slowed down considerably.