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这家剧院有六个太平门。The theatre has six exits.

她匆匆离开戏院。She bopped off the theatre.

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我买了两张戏票。I bought two theatre tickets.

这个剧院有冷气设备。The theatre is airconditioned.

今晚这座剧院爆满。The theatre is packed tonight.

他赶紧去剧场。He hied himself to the theatre.

我们今晚可能会去剧院看戏。We go to the theatre tonight.

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我们去首都剧场吧。Let's go to the Capital Theatre.

然后,我又去了一次剧院。then I went to the theatre again.

上星期我去剧院看戏。Laster week I went to the theatre.

看他们怎样重现大话西游剧场版。See how they reproduce we theatre.

她是戏剧界的一位新秀。She is a real find in the theatre.

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首都剧场已客满了。The Capital Theatre is booked out.

我们去了剧院,然后,And we went to the theatre and then

好的。我们去首都剧场吧。OK.Let's go to the Capital Theatre.

昨晚露西去剧院看戏了。Last night Lucy went to the theatre.

她今晚要去看戏。She is going to the theatre tonight.

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蜂拥的人群挤满了剧场。Surging crowds impacted the theatre.

引座员恭敬地把我们迎入戏院。The usher bowed us into the theatre.

剧务使我羁留上海。Theatre affairs kept me in Shanghai.