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对于添加的每个工件,您应该选择一种类型。For each artifact you add, you choose a type.

我还为每个工件添加了一个描述。I also added a description for each artifact.

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提供基于工件或活动的管理Providing artifact or activity-based management

对,不能让人为力量来左右它。The artifact should not be what's driving this.

当一个任务修改了迭代计划工件When a task modifies to Iteration Plan artifact

在人种学研究中,匿名信是伪造的吗?。Is Anonymity an Artifact in Ethnographic Research?

韩佳,这也是广陵王墓出土的文物吧。Han Jia, this must be an artifact from the tomb too.

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这就是做为一名赏金猎人内森·德雷克的生活。That's life when you're Nathan Drake, artifact hunter.

可管理的,使用工具辅助工件链接管理。Managed, with tool assisted management of artifact links.

利用独立分量分析的方法对脑电中眼电伪迹成分进行剔除。The method is to use ICA remove ocular artifact from EEG.

模型是任何驱动产生过程或行为的构件。A model is any artifact that drives generation or behavior.

至于局灶性印戒细胞,我认为是冰冻假象。About the focal signet ring cells, I favor frozen artifact.

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在这个对话框中,您只可以在编辑器中打开一个工件。In this dialog, you can only open an artifact in the editor.

第二个则是武具,属于神器的副类别。The second one is Equipment, which is a subtype of artifact.

有了蒂耶鲁的法器和萨-艾朗的智慧,我们可以医治她。With Tieru's artifact and Sar-Elam's wisdom, we can heal her.

浮饰是宗教人造石头很普通的类型。He omphalos is a very common type of religious stone artifact.

一个人,不管是真人还是虚拟人,如果没加入连接,他就形同若无。A person, artifact or fact does not “exist” until it is linked.

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这种嘶嘶声已经形成了一种文化,紧紧的绑在我们身上。All that sizzle is a cultural artifact and a tie that binds us.

这个问题的答案澄清了工件的目的。The answer to this question clarifies the goal of the artifact.

我颤抖着捡起这个古老的闪烁着神圣光芒的危险的叶片。Picking up this ancient artifact , I feel it tremble in my hands.