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十三等于一。Thirteen equals one.

那时的我才十三岁。I was thirteen years old then.

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十三加上四十五等于多少?What's thirteen plus forty-five?

“斯科特”有十三名演艺人员。"Gatz" has thirteen cast members.

有一十三个星期可用。There are thirteen weeks available.

单价为十三美元。Thirteen dollars is the unit price.

一副牌里每种花色有十三张。Thirteen of every suit in the deck.

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是的,你没有看错,的确是2022年,离现在还有13年时间。Yes, that’s thirteen years from now.

这就是我。一百一十三岁的女孩。This is me. A thirteen years old girl.

它有十三亿人。It has thirteen hundred million people.

铁棒本身重13磅。The rod itself weighed thirteen pounds.

十叁和叁十是很不相同的。Thirteen is much different from thirty.

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奶奶是她家十三个孩子之一。My grandma was one of thirteen children.

啊,多羞呀,你都十三岁啦,还这样像个小毛孩似的!You thirteen years old, and such a baby!

那条路线大概只要十三个小时吧。It's only, like, thirteen hours that way.

徐子恩是一个有自闭症的十三岁女孩。Larissa Chui is a thirteen years old girl.

今年,是13又1/3And this year, it was thirteen and a third.

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我还得说我们只是在十三楼上面。I still say we're only thirteen stories up.

13美元25美分。It’s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.

我叫王玲玲,我今年十三岁了。I'm Wang Lingling and I'm thirteen years old.