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托拉搏拉山的战斗要比通常描述的更为混乱。The combat at Tora Bora was a good deal more chaotic than usually described.

沙在前面带路,我们穿过一条狭长的小溪上漂浮的巨砺,爬上小山,进入托拉搏拉山洞。Shah leads me across the boulders of a narrow creek and up a hill into the Tora Bora caves.

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法其尔·沙机枪扫射托拉搏拉的黑色小山,射杀幻影"基地"组织。Faqir Shah sprays machine-gun fire across the black hills of Tora Bora, shooting at phantoms of al Qaeda.

三是介绍和分析国际上处置不良资产的经验教训及启示。Thirdly, we introduce and analyse the international experience , tora and revelation on dealing with the NPAs.

2007年在山东农业大学中药材试验站栽培的药用植物草决明上发现一种新病害,定名为草决明荚枯病。A new disease named legume dieback of Cassia tora was first found in Taian of Shandong Province during 2006—2007.

检察官说82岁的穆巴拉克本应前往托拉监狱医院,但该医院还未做好接收的准备工作。Prosecutors said the 82-year-old was supposed to go to Tora prison hospital, but it was not ready to receive him.

在托拉博拉与本拉丹和他的部队山脉,似乎要放弃他的位置,美国截获唠。S intercepted chatter in the Tora Bora mountains between bin Laden and his forces that seemed to give up his location.

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在托拉搏拉本拉登处所废墟附近的一处空旷之地,我在GPS上按了几个键,屏幕上的地图拓展开来。In a clearing near the ruins of bin Laden's Tora Bora house, I punch a few buttons on the GPS, broadening the map on my screen.

在某一天,下载毛拉·奥马尔和他的地方武装卫队在塔拉波拉的大山里的喋喋不休的录像。Once a week, download Mullah Omar and his posse of theocrats spittin' mad chatter from their hideout in the mountains near Tora Bora.

结果显示小决明的蒽醌含量总体趋势上明显低于决明。Experiment result manifested that the anthraquinone content of Cassia tora L. is lower than Cassia obtusifolia L. in overall tendency.

可是当时,塔利班和基地组织领导人逃入托拉波拉山区,进入巴基斯坦。But then Taliban and al-Qaida leaders fled into the mountains of Tora Bora, escaped into Pakistan and the fighting has raged ever since.

在美军入侵并击溃他的塔利班保护者之后,他最初从阿富汗东部山区的托拉搏拉逃脱。He initially escaped from Tora Bora in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan after an American invasion routed the Taliban, his protectors.

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2001年,美国士兵和阿富汗民兵部队追捕出生于沙特阿拉伯的本•拉登对托拉博拉山区了大规模进攻。US soldiers and Afghan militia forces launched a large-scale assault on the Tora Bora mountains in2001 in pursuit of Saudi-born bin Laden.

在20世纪90年代末,为了政治宣传,本。拉登曾邀请特选记者到阿富汗东部托拉搏拉的山洞中见他。In the late 1990s, for propaganda purposes, Bin Laden invited select journalists to meet him in caves near Tora Bora in eastern Afghanistan.

穆巴拉克的两个儿子,阿拉和贾迈勒,连同其他与他关系紧密的高级官员和商业人士已经被拘押在托拉监狱Mr Mubarak's two sons, Gamal and Alaa, along with a number of senior officials and business figures close to him are already being held at Tora prison.

挪威的托拉博拉在于伯杰在终点后抵达期间在冬季两项世界杯Anterselva,意大利2011年1月23日开始大规模一十二点五公里在雪地上。Norway's Tora Berger lies on the snow after arriving at the finish during the 12.5km mass start at the Biathlon World Cup in Anterselva, Italy January 23, 2011.

不过在这次航展上没有这种飞机出现,不管如何,“虎虎虎”表演队还是表演了模拟袭击珍珠港的节目,全部用中岛“凯特”鱼雷机编队来完成。However the "Tora, Tora, Tora" display team did perform their Pearl Harbor simulation, complete with a large formation of replica Nakajima "Kate" torpedo bombers.

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自从2001年晚些时候躲开空袭和特种部队以及阿富汗民兵的追捕后,本•拉登和一些护卫逃离托拉博拉山区,至今下落不明。Hisexact where abouts have been unknown since late 2001, when he and somebody guards slipped out of the Tora Bora mountains after evading airstrikes, special forces and Afghan militias.

据目击者称,2001年12月初,在托拉搏拉围攻开始之前的某个时候,本拉登在此过夜,给几百名战士加油打气后就不知去向。According to eyewitnesses, sometime before the siege of Tora Bora began in early December 2001, bin Laden stopped here for the night, gave a pep talk to hundreds of his fighters, and vanished.