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我的决定?My decision?

这是他们的决定。It is their decision.

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这是你的决定。This is your decision.

我赞佩你的决心。I applaud your decision.

那个人缺乏决断力。That man lacks decision.

他反对这个决定。He kicked at the decision.

这是一个二择其一的问题。This is a binary decision.

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这是一个明确的决定。This is a categoric decision.

她在这项决定下屈服了”。She bowed before the decision.

决议已被耽搁了。The decision has bottlenecked.

这灯是从天花板吊下来的。The decision is still hanging.

这是个武断的决定。This is an arbitrary decision.

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什么事让你犹豫,使你不敢做出决定?What has swayed your decision?

一个真正的决定是不可改变的。A real decision is irrevocable.

嗓音变得果断坚定。The voice firmed with decision.

我不同意这个决定。We dissented from the decision.

没有哪个决定是总经理一手遮天。No decision is made in a vacuum.

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他们默然同意该决定。They acquiesced in the decision.

我可以安全地推迟这一决策吗?Can I safely defer this decision?

他又重新考虑了他的决定。He has reconsidered his decision.