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耶稣是真正谦卑的伟大导师。Jesus is the great teacher of lowliness of heart.

事业上没有高低贵贱之分。There is neither lowliness nor nobleness in careers.

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因为他顾念他使女的卑微。For he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant.

我们必须进基督的学校,学他柔和谦卑的样式。We are to enter the school of Christ, to learn from Him meekness and lowliness.

昨天老师让每个人写的愿望纸条让我更觉卑微。The dream scrip which teacher let us write yesterday made me feel lowliness more.

凡事卑微、温柔、恒忍,在爱里彼此但就。With All lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, bearing one another in love.

在别人眼里柯磊是卑微或者说卑贱的,生存而没有生活。Stalk or branch in people look lowliness perhaps says humbleness Lei, live and did not live.

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他整个的人所表现的是一种驯服、坚定、无可言喻的勇于受戮的神情。His whole person breathed lowliness and firmness and an indescribable courageous despondency.

这种求索,似乎同谦虚和谦虚的美德正相违反。Such an undertaking appears to stand in contradiction with the graces of lowliness and humility.

早期传统认为那是一个洞穴,可能被用作马棚,是卑微的标志。Very early tradition suggests that it was a cave, perhaps used as a stable, a mark of lowliness.

卑微得使你不敢仰视高空的太阳、星辰,以及凄凉的月亮。Lowliness cause you don't dare to look up to the sun, the stars as well as the bleak moon in the upper air.

薯蓣皂苷元之含量由高至低依次为土炒、清炒、麸炒、生品。Content's from highness go to lowliness in turn is countrified fry, clear fry, wheat bran fry, generate article.

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卑微与平凡,这是一个自喻的形象,是宇宙给予的最直接的训导。Lowliness and Commonness, this is a visualize body of own imagery, it is a most direct education deal from the universe.

美丑唇齿相依,心的高傲和肉的低贱,都证实这条真理,我伙伴们虽死,但否认它。My friends are gone, but that's a truth Nor grave nor bed denied, -- Learned in bodily lowliness And in the heart's pride.

有时候,丑陋、卑微和妒忌,是灵魂的墨迹,即使鄙视也要承认它是美的色底。Sometimes, ugliness, lowliness and jealousness are ink of soul, even if you despise them you'll have got nothing about beauty.

她以凝重的写实风格和直面现实的精神,通过对市井生活的世俗风情画卷描绘,表现了生存的艰难与生命的卑微。By describing the common customs in realistic writing style, she intends to explore the hardness and lowliness of the living being.

然而,晓梅的强势令丈夫倍感压力,晓兰的自甘卑微则纵容男友自我膨胀、对感情毫不珍惜。However, of Xiao Mei strong your husband times feeling pressure, of Xiao Lan from pleasant lowliness indulgent male friendly ego expands, cherish none to feeling.

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本文通过对沥青砼路路面出现病害的根源进行了论述,并分析了沥青砼路面在施中应注意的关键环节,及怎样才能使病害减少到最低限度。This paper analyzes causation of asphaltum and cement road breakage. sticking point in road construction playing attention has been given. It makes road breakage reduce to lowliness.