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因为艰难是冠冕的代价。Hardship is the price of coronation.

没想到,却要用在我的册封大典上。However, it is now used in my coronation.

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女王在仪式过后脱去了王袍。The Queen disrobed after the coronation ceremony.

那位女王于加冕礼后脱去了王袍。The Queen disrobed after the coronation ceremony.

白金汉宫称,伊丽莎白女王二世对这一决定也表示赞同。The Pope was present at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II.

大不列颠和爱尔兰联合王国国王乔治一世加冕。The coronation of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland took place.

哇集拉隆功国王的加冕礼将放在那之后。King Vajiralongkorn's coronation will take place at some point after that.

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被半径的加冕礼是一黑暗的和和赤字的最微小暗示的深逃亡黑人奴隶。The Coronation Red is a dark and deep maroon with the slightest hint of red.

离册封大典还有两天,我怕我绣不好。The coronation is only two days away. I fear this will not be ready in time.

在1937年国王的加冕典礼上,Logue和他太太Myrtle应邀坐进了皇室包厢。At the Coronation in 1937, Logue is seated in the royal box, with his wife, Myrtle.

负责与监理、认证部门的技术交流和协调。In charge of communication and coronation with controlling and legalizing department.

让她突出的,是自信,以及对她未来超脱于名利之外的必然,这个加冕典礼。What distinguishes her is poise, an unworldly certainty in her future, the coronation.

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我可不希望在我的册封大典上,你也这样表现。为什么你表演的时候要戴面具?I hope that you will do better at my coronation. Why do you wear a mask when you perform?

传朕口谕,本月十五,举行皇后册封大典。I hereby proclaim the Empress coronation will take place on the fifteenth day of this month.

从他在丹佛接受提名的那一刻起,奥巴马还有68天的时间去消除这些怀疑。From the moment of his coronation in Denver, Mr Obama will have 68 days to allay these doubts.

党的体制内的许多人只想说,一切都结束了,我们现在为什么不把人选确定呢?A lot of the establishment wants to just say it is over, and why do we not just have a coronation?

男爵穿着国王佛兰西斯一世加冕时代的全套衣服。Baron F was wearing his whole wardrobe dating from the coronation of the Emperor Francis the First.

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据传说,哪个统治者在加冕礼上为自己加冕而使教皇震惊呢?According to legend, what ruler surprised the Pope by crowning himself during a coronation ceremony?

随着年龄渐长,她这身服装也使得她比加冕街的贝特林奇看起来更“惊艳”。It's also ageing, leaving her looking more like Coronation Street's Bet Lynch than a blonde bombshell.

它也是1430年英王亨利六世和其后苏格兰玛丽皇后加冕典礼举行的地方。It was the scene of the coronation of Henry VI of England in 1430, and later, that of Mary, Queen of Scots.