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他们说的全是废话。What they say is blah.

现在,我在一个布拉赫的心情,因为它。Now I'm in a blah mood because of it.

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只要为我做的尽我所能,等等,等等。Just try my best at what I do, blah, blah.

你觉得你的工作和生活布拉赫?Are you feeling blah about your work and life?

布拉泥一想也对,便喜滋滋跟王俊一起去灵山。Blah mud a want to also, crossed the go with wang junwork ling shan.

不许胡说。我的耐心是有限的,没兴趣伺候。Forbid blah. My perseverance is limited, have no interest to wait upon.

她可能感觉被侮辱了。如果有人向我一样乏味的,想和她谈谈。She probably be insulted, too. if someone as blah as I am tried to talk to her.

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连篇的废话充斥于人们使信息永垂不朽的空洞之中。It is just a lot of blah blah filling the emptiness of the people perpetuating it.

四喜却看布拉泥实在可怜,忍不住带布拉泥去见神医老人。Four xi could see Mr Really poor, cant help but take blah mud to see happy old man.

天贞见布拉泥捡柴竟然捡了一个“林妹妹“回来,大为诧异。Day zhen see blah mud firewood unexpectedly picked up a Lin meimei, greatly surprised.

我感觉不太舒服。什么动力都没有。我今天想整天看电视,懒在家。I feel like blah. I have no motivation. I just wanna be a couch potato and watch TV today.

不过呢,现在我们先暂且不谈精神,那太……深奥了。Blah blah. Well, they probablyright, but we are not taking about that spiritual stuff here.

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当他被问及指令时,他只是说那是废话。你怎么看待?Q. He was asked about the debrief and just said, blah, blah, blah. What do you make of that?

布拉泥正想说他与四妹情投意合,刘母却气冲冲地闯了进来。Blah mud is want to say that he and four younger sister after, but liu mother angrily breaking in.

对于当代的巫师来说,大多数的万圣节传统实际上是很枯燥的。According to modern-day Wiccans, most of today's Halloween traditions are actually blah, blah, blah.

王俊用“林妹妹”又遇布拉泥的糗事作诱饵,终于哄得九妹出来。Wang Junyong Lin meimei meet again blah mud indiscretions as bait, finally coax nine younger sister.

她说道,现在谁还去听神马大会啊,因为一直就是那一套。"Nobody is going to pay attention to the congress because it's the same old blah blah blah," she said.

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在此,我们从某县书画名家作品中,遴选出一部份陈列展出,以飨广大观众。On display here are a few works by calligraphers and painters of Blah County specially chosen for visitors.

他还轻蔑地补充道,克里姆林宫宣称俄罗斯是西式民主,这简直就是胡扯。The Kremlin's claim that Russia is a western-style democracy is mere "blah blah blah", he adds dismissively.

如果你想换一种颜色,你必须从政府那里得到一份签名,还有连篇的废话。If you wanted to make it another colour you have to take a signature from the government, and blah, blah, blah.