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撩开了红红的头巾。I uncover the red kerchief on your head.

新明半岛,揭开品质之谜。Shin peninsula, uncover quality mystery.

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武汉警察破获赌博大案。Wuhan police uncover major gambling cases.

揭掉锡纸,放于室温下冷却1个小时。Uncover and cool 1 hour at room temperature.

这就是测谎仪能找出说谎者的原因。That's why a polygraph can often uncover a liar.

法医物证学通过技术揭开犯罪谜底。Forensics uses this technology to help uncover crimes.

不用盖上盖子,在350度的烤箱里烤上一个钟头,再涂上牛奶。Bake for 1 hour at 350 Uncover and baste again with milk.

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联系业务团队,了解紧迫的需求。Connect with the business community to uncover urgent needs.

很多时候,我不知道该不该扒开这层疤肋。For a long time, I don't know if I should uncover this scar.

第二章,揭开可转债融资神秘的理论面纱。The second section, uncover the theory of convertible bonds.

谁知道呢,你可能甚至会在乱石碎砾中找到钻石。And who knows, you might even uncover a diamond in the rough.

如今科学正在研究大量的数据集从而发现事实。Now science is interrogating huge datasets to uncover truths.

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成瘾的老鼠也能帮助人们发现对吸毒者的新的治疗方法。Addicted rats also could help uncover new anti-drug therapies.

调查员发现了与案件有关的新线索。The investigator was able to uncover new facts about the case.

到那时,许多“不解之谜”都会被揭开。Till then, many"do not understand its riddle" will be uncover.

我将揭开基拉的真正面目,哪怕这是我最后能做的事情。I'll uncover Kira's real identity, if it's the last thing i do.

反过来,开启的地图将允许你激活远距离移动物体。In turn, the uncover map allows you to activate every teleport.

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有必枢路示中国苯胺市场的秘闻。It is necessary to uncover the truth of China's aniline market.

这种方法“非常可能发现全新类型的药物”。This approach "could well uncover entirely new classes of drugs".

我是否找到这些未来议员们贪财的一些证据呢?Did I uncover evidence of cupidity among our would-be legislators?