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我轻叹着说道。I lightly sigh to say.

他轻轻地刷墙。He brushed the wall lightly.

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他轻快地跳上公共汽车。He tripped lightly into a bus.

他敏捷地跨过泥水坑。He stepped lightly over the puddle.

轻笑着,他踏进了书斋。Lightly smile, he trod into studio.

他们轻捷地跳过了小溪。They leaped lightly oer the stream.

往你头发上轻轻喷点水。Lightly spritz your hair with water.

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她轻盈地在房间跳著华尔兹。She waltzed lightly around the room.

所以,切不可轻忽恩典。Therefore, never take grace lightly.

他们轻捷地跳过了小溪。They leaped lightly over the stream.

对于物价,我们不敢掉以轻心。We must not take this issue lightly.

轻歌曼舞未必快乐。All are not merry that dance lightly.

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轻柔地泛在春海里。Lightly sailing on the sea of spring.

慢慢地、柔柔地、平顺地、轻轻地。Slowly, softly, smoothly and lightly.

台北市灾情较轻。Taipei escaped comparatively lightly.

它的脑袋轻轻地碰着她的肩膀。Its head touched her shoulder lightly.

轻轻地垫舒适的鞋垫。Lightly cushioned footbed for comfort.

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然后放至在刷有薄油的表面。Then place on a lightly oiled surface.

理什也编辑了此书,但只做了少量改动。Lish edited that book too, but lightly.

当然,这一趋势不能等闲视之。Of course, this can’t be taken lightly.