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这项资助项目——ACP科学技术项目——是由欧洲联盟资助的,并由非洲、加勒比和太平洋国家集团的秘书处协调。secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States.

代表大会召开之后,书记处由上海迁到了北京。After the congress, the secretariat moved from Shanghai to Beijing.

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它的秘书处设在意大利,意大利政府为其提供核心资金。Its secretariat is in Italy, whose government gives it core funding.

以日内瓦为基地,其信托基金和精干的秘书处设在世卫组织。Based in Geneva, its Trust Fund and lean Secretariat are hosted by WHO.

笔者首先从历史的角度对秘书处做出了追根溯源。The author firstly reviews the historical evolution of WTO secretariat.

UNITAID以日内瓦为基地,其信托基金和秘书处设在世卫组织。Based in Geneva, the UNITAID trust fund and secretariat are hosted by WHO.

当代中国研究所获中印富强基金会委讬筹办是次论坛及作为秘书处。ACCS was commissioned by CIFF to be the host and secretariat of the Summit.

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第三章对WTO秘书处职能进行了比较分析。The third chapter comparatively analyses the function of the WTO Secretariat.

他是由法国政府借调到联合国秘书处去工作的。He was sent to the U.N. secretariat on secondment from the Government of France.

公共秩序特别秘书处行动副秘书等人在逃。Special Secretariat for the Under-Secretary of the Public Order and others at large.

阿农业部在其月度报告中没有对豆粕及豆球加以区分。The Secretariat does not distinguish between meal and pellets in its monthly report.

支持缔约方会议的秘书处将在近期内投入运转。The Secretariat to support the Conference of the Parties will be functioning shortly.

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审评委员会设专业分委员会和秘书处。The Review Committee shall consist of professional sub-committees and the Secretariat.

合作伙伴向联盟提供支持,并与联盟会员单位和秘书处进行合作。Partners provide support and collaborate with the Alliance members and the Secretariat.

请放心,秘书处将在这些以及其他各项审议中给予全力支持。Rest assured of full support from the Secretariat in these and all other deliberations.

总干事应将本议定书交联合国秘书处登记。The Director General shall register this Act with the Secretariat of the United Nations.

惠东县革行业总会的常设机构——秘书处,负责处理日常工作。Leather and footwear industry secretariat is our standing body, in charge of the routine.

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男,汉族。现任中国文联副主席、党组成员、。Male, Han nationality. The present Member of the Secretariat and Vice President of CFLAC.

马佛青总会秘书处有权在简章上作任何的增删。The YBAM HQ Secretariat reserves the right to make any alteration upon the General Rules.

他已在政治局及书记处内组成了一个支持者的坚强的核心。He has assembled a strong core of supporters both in the politburo and in the Secretariat.