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一般来说,韵律的冲动出现在节拍上Usually, the metrical impulse is on the beat.

小节是一个长音节,即两个小节线之间的部分。A measure or bar is a metrical unit, the space between two bar-lines.

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我想这行诗中,有三个重音韵。I think there are really three strong metrical accents in a row there.

现代格律诗建设的中心问题是艺术实验。The central issue of modern metrical poetry is the artistic experiment.

解决了测量主销倾角量值检定的问题。The problem of calibrating kingpin obliquity metrical results is resolved.

格律诗、自由诗、散文诗是诗的三种基本体裁。Metrical poetry, free verse and prose poetry are three basic poetry genres.

一六九四年前,在英国教堂只会听到韵律诗篇。Prior to 1694 metrical psalms were all that were sung in our English churches.

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不同于新诗,它们是旧体或变体的格律诗。Unlike free verse , they are traditional metrical verses and semi-metrical verses.

爱伦·坡的诗歌类似于许多南方作家的作品,有很强的乐感,对韵律的要求极为严格。Poe's verse, like that of many Southerners, was very musical and strictly metrical.

整个空间就在内蕴的比例关系里起落着韵律。Whole space inside accumulate the rise and fall in scale relation is worn metrical.

平声韵脚充分体现出了言语与语言之间的和谐互动。The level tone feet of the metrical verse embodies the harmony of parole of language.

笔调清新,语言优美,韵律感强,是一篇不错的美文。Style fresh, beauty of language, metrical sense is strong, article is a good splendid text.

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而测量误差的补偿技术研究是近场测量技术的焦点问题。And technology of metrical error correction is the focus of technology of near-field measurement.

律诗诗体建立的过程中,形式的完成是诗体繁荣的首要条件。In its developing process, the establishment of form is the base for the flourish of metrical verse.

这里,排列成行的树的画面和,诗里韵律的规律描绘的画面。Here, this image of the lines of trees and the metrical regularity of that verse that describes them.

此外,尺度值可任意设定,可按照用户需求进行测量。In addition, the standard is worth but aleatoric set, can undertake metrical according to user demand.

杜甫律诗的章法,因题材不同而表现为不同的格局。Art of composition of Du Fu's metrical verses show different structures because of different materials.

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从而为电磁悬浮实验提供了一种简便而准确的测量手段。Consequently, an accurate and simple metrical method is offered for electromagnetic suspending experiment.

格律体新诗虽然诞生已有近百年了,却依然难以登堂入室。Chinese new metrical poetry is still struggling to enter the literary canon though it is almost 100 years old.

这体现了柳永对发展词乐和推进词律的贡献。All these demonstrate Liu's contribution to the development of lyric poetry and promotion of metrical patterns.