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木头和纸都是可燃物。Wood and paper are burnable.

我的邻居把可燃物拿到外面去。My neighbor is taking out the burnable trash.

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可燃性工业垃圾、少量的废溶剂。Burnable industrial refuse and a small amount of waste solvent.

怎样快速缓解皮肤被太阳灼伤的疼痛感?How to alleviate quickly is the skin felt by the ache with burnable sun?

灶头点不着火,原因是燃气中空气含量过高。Gas stock is not fire, the content of air in the burnable gas is too high.

与此同时,堆积在体内的脂肪也容易燃烧。At the same time, the fat that piles up in the body is also easily burnable.

如苹果、香蕉,而少用辛辣之物,以免灼伤胃阴。Be like apple, banana, and use acrimony thing less, lest burnable stomach shade.

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UO2可燃毒物燃料是近年来核电站采用较为普遍的可燃毒物之一。Gd2O3-UO2 is widely used as burnable absorber in nuclear power plants in recent years.

采用分布式监控结构,选用CAN总线通信,设计了一种新的可燃气体报警系统。By using distributed system, a new burnable gas detector system based on CAN bus is designed.

你有什么金属物品和可燃物吗?如果有的话,请拿出来放到托盘上。Do you have any metal and burnable things? If you do, please take out those things to the tray.

“如果矿井里有可燃气体,我们不想再出什么意外。”克普斯说。We don't want to be energizing anything if it's in an atmosphere with burnable gases, " Kips said."

你不必浪费你喜爱的烤肉,而只需利用你烤肉剩余的残渣,通过气化把回收使用的残渣转化为可燃的燃料。Through through process of gasification the reused grounds are carefully converted into a burnable fuel.

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对于锥形香,可燃部分扩大,因为它烧伤,很快消散,其香。As for the cone-shaped incense, the burnable portion widens as it burns, quickly dispersing its fragrance.

对于首次使用的硼硅酸盐玻璃可燃毒物,着重研究了抗辐照性能。The irradiation properties are researched emphatically for the borosilicate glass used as burnable poison at the first time.

保证了锅炉的给煤量和送风量的合理匹配,使其燃烧最佳。Guaranteed the boiler of measures to coal with send to the reasonable that breeze measures match, making its burnable the best.

本研究课题是水燃料制造系统的一部分,以期制造出一种清洁的、经济的、实用的可燃气体。This project is a part of Aquefuel manufacturing system, and the aim is to make a kind of clean, economy, practical burnable gas.

常见的眼部损伤可分为沉着染色、刺激灼伤、过敏性及中毒四种类型。Injury can divide common eye ministry to be reached for exciting and ad cool-headed coloring, burnable , irritability toxic 4 sort.

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小祢一双眼睛恶狠狠地瞪着她,仿佛有乌黑冰冷的烈焰在其中燃烧。Small Ni a pair of eyes Be bad to ruthlessly stare her, emulate the blazing flame that the Buddha has spurt black iciness therein burnable.

红色食物能够促进新陈代谢,使蕴含在食品中的脂肪直接燃烧。Red-promote metabolism, quickly burn fat inside the body. The red food can promote metabolism, make the fat that contains in the food direct burnable.

黑色食品具备燃烧脂肪,强化免疫力,抗衰老,净化体内等多种功效,令女孩子非常心仪。The black food has burnable fat and enhances immunity dint, anti- decrepitude, purify to wait various effects inside the body, make girl's son very adoring.