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寒假来了。Winter vacation came.

他们在那儿度假。They are on vacation there.

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本。兰伯特的度假计划!Ben Lambert's Vacation Plans!

这次休假是专为你我二人的。This vacation is for you and me.

你在什么地方度过假期的?Where did you pass the vacation?

漫长的暑假结束了。The long summer vacation is over.

我尚未订出假期计划。I haven't yet made vacation plans.

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学校假期从星期二开始。School vacation begins on Tuesday.

开始规划下次休假。Start planning your next vacation.

你度假的时候我们都很想你。We missed you during the vacation.

学会用现在进行时表未来计划。What are you doing for vacation? 1.

我筋皮力竭了,我要休假!I'm stressed out. I need a vacation.

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计划一个活力的假期。Schedule an activity-based vacation.

你假朞怎么过的?How did you doing cost your vacation?

来美华,度假的开始。ASOG is the beginning of the vacation.

毕竟,寒假在等着你们。After all, winter vacation awaits you.

啊,真遗憾了,假期结束了。Ah, what a pity. The vacation is over.

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可是艾米丽去加勒比度假去了。But Emily is on vacation in Caribbean.

我能问一下假期和病假的情况吗?Can I ask the vacation and sick leave?

你知道我喜欢什么吗?就是暑假。Do you know what I lik?Summr vacation.