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任何人都应该有自由去宣说。All men shall be free to profess.

几乎所有卡塔尔人都信仰伊斯兰教。Nearly all Qataris profess Islam.

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我承认这个消息使我感到惊奇。I profess that I was surprised at the news.

我不自认为是那个问题的专家。I don't profess to be an expert on that subject.

我不自认为是那个问题的专家。I don't profess myself to be an expert on that subject.

运营商公开表示欣赏周的事必躬亲的态度。Operators profess admiration for Chou's hands-on approach.

对于这些指责,我不能说我完全同意。With such censures I cannot profess that I completely agree.

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那些博学多识的历史学家都教授文学。Those learned intellectual historians all profess literature.

治疗“痛风”的口服药副作用大吗?Cure " gouty " is side effect of drug of profess to convinced big?

他已经获得一种无需幻想的知识,这种知识否认上帝之臣民所宣扬的一切。He achieves a knowledge without illusions which negates everything they profess.

在美国,人们拿起电话,聊上15分钟后就会自称了解对方。In the U.S., people jump on the phone and profess to know each other after 15 minutes.

他曾公开宣称基督住在他的心中,没想到突然之间,这就被完全颠覆了。He used to profess that Christ inhabited in his heart. Suddenly this turned upside-down.

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美国许多妇女声称她们对自己二等公民道德地位感到不满。In American many women profess that they are unhappy with their status of second-class citizens.

很多都表示拥有至高无尚的知识,因为这样他们就可以很容易地找到生计。Many profess to have supreme knowledge because, thereby, they will easily earn their livelihood.

对于教徒来说最大的威胁莫过于声称你想要自己思考。There’s no greater threat to religious people than to profess your desire to think for yourself.

沙特和欧佩克公开表示,目前石油市场供应充足。Essentially, the Saudis and OPEC profess to believe that the markets are currently well-supplied.

比较哲学理论和信仰哲学的人们的行为的话,你会发现这一点司空见惯。It is a commonplace to compare philosophical theories and the behavior of those who profess them.

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他提出,报社也可以同样的方式受益,得到热爱新闻事业慈善人士的慷慨解囊。He suggests that newspapers would benefit fromsimilar largesse from those who profess to love them.

利血平、卡那霉素口服,可减少术后脑血管痉挛。Profess to convinced of reserpine, kanamycin, can reduce convulsion of art afterbrain blood-vessel.

良性乳腺囊肿除了口服维生素B6,为什么还要吃抗癌药?Cyst of benign mammary gland besides vitamin of profess to convinced B6, why to eat anticarcinogen even?