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让我们告别传统的每周40小时工作制吧。Say goodbye to the classic 40-hour workweek.

在周末,你会遇到多大的浪费时间的事情?What big time-wasters crop up during your workweek?

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政府把每周标准的工作时间从39小时减少到了35小时。The government cut the standard workweek from 39 to 35 hours.

我们一周工作80小时以上,那么你说我们需要什么?For us, a workweek is 80 hours or more. So you know what we need?

比如,从5月到10月,我们会变成一周工作四天。For example, from May through October, we switch to a four-day workweek.

这是本周末我老板发给我的第三封邮件了。我是“公私不分”模式的受害者。This is the third email from my boss this weekend. Im a victim of workweek creep!

这是本周末我老板发给我的封邮件了。我是“公私不分”模式的受害者。This is the third email from my boss this weekend. I'm a victim of workweek creep!

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但是,这些新提出政策的绝大部分都不如对于40小时工作制的改变。But most of these initiatives are little more than variations on the 40-hour workweek.

现实是,我们希望专业人士工作超过四十小时工作周的标准。The reality is that professionals are expected to exceed the standard 40-hour workweek.

因此,平均每周工作时间的增长,可能意味着就业数字很快就会出现持续上涨。So a rise in the average workweek might suggest that sustained job growth is in the horizon.

准备好要求提升,或者因为那周之后新工作谈个薪水。Be ready to ask for a raise or negotiate a salary for a new job in the workweek that follows.

此外,每周平均工时从3月的34增至34.1,也是令人鼓舞的迹象.Also encouraging, the length of the average workweek rose to 34.1 hours from 34 hours in March.

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而平均每周工作时间已经下降到33小时,是二战后的最低水平。And the average workweek has fallen to 33 hours, the lowest level inthe post-World War II period.

然而,在路透社的调查中,每周平均工作时间的预测中位数保持在34.2小时。However, the median forecast for the average workweek in the Reuters poll is unchanged at 34.2 hours.

法国政府与工会的谈判目前取得了一些进展,最近取消了每周35小时工作制。Mr. Sarkozy has made some headway with unions, recently chipping away at the sacrosanct 35-hour workweek.

第一天上班的时候,可能你还正处于从周末到工作日的过渡中。When you arrive at work Monday morning, chances are you are still transitioning from weekend to workweek.

该规定模仿纽约州的法规,其关键规定包括一周工作80小时,最多24小时轮一次班等。Its key provisions, modeled on New York State's regulations, include an 80-hour workweek and a 24-hour work-shift limit.

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如果你在一月底的周末有什么特殊的事情去做,你会在愉悦的心情中进入工作的一周。If you had something special to do over that end-of-January weekend, you'll be returning to the workweek in a jovial mood.

然而,我还是觉得通过一周工作四小时的核心想法来解决你生活中的问题是一种误导。However, I do think the central idea of the achievement of a four hour workweek solving all of your problems is misleading.

平均每周工作时间下降至33小时的二战后最低水平,这意味着企业可能不会很快需要增加人手。The average workweek declined to a postwar low of 33 hours, suggesting that businesses may not need to ramp up hiring soon.