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舟形乌头和狼形乌头有什么不同?。What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?

波特,那你说说舟形乌头和狼毒乌头有什么区别?What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?

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希腊神话中三头涝犬刻耳柏洛斯的唾液含有舟形乌头毒素。Greek mythology tells of monkshood toxin in the saliva of the three-headed hound Cerberus.

希腊神话中三头猎犬刻耳柏洛斯的唾液含有舟形乌头毒素。Greek mythology tells of monkshood toxin in the saliva of the three-headed hound Cerberus.

至于舟形乌头和狼毒乌头则是同一种植物,也统称乌头。As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite.

因此,国王马上就放弃了一切皇家的荣誉,开始修行。Therefore, soon after this incident the king renounced all royal grandeur and got initiated to monkshood.

中药中的附子是否有毒性,吃了对人有害吗????Whether does the monkshood in Chinese traditional medicine have noxiousness , ate harmful to the person? ? ? ?

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报道中药附子的形成。为乌头类药材的鉴定提供了依据。This paper presents a study on the formation of prepared daughter root of common monkshood as a guideline for the identification of aconitum.

附子花在北半球各种气候的地方都可以找到,西附子花则生长在洛基山脉北部海拔较高的地方以及太平洋海岸附近区域。Monkshood is found throughout the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Western monkshood is found at higher altitudes in the northern Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast states.

绿豆、滑石、白芷、白附子研末敷面,每晚用清水或化妆水搅匀细末敷脸,干后洗净。Gram, steatitic , Bai Zhi, white monkshood grinds end apply face, use clear water every night or make up face of apply of delicate last stage of water agitate divide evenly, after working abluent.