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我很矛盾。两个答案我都喜欢。It is so illogicality to me. both of two answers i like.

巴西代表也指出了中国立场中混乱的逻辑。Brazil's representative too pointed out the illogicality of China's position.

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世界由无数的光与影的矛盾体构成,因矛盾而生的美,令人迷醉。Our world is full of illogicalities. Light and shadow -the illogicality gives us great charm.

经过激烈争辩,他发现自己根本是自相矛盾的,只好在同事面前认错。After vehemently arguing, he discovered his basic illogicality and had to eat humble pie before his associates.

“完全学分制”存在着语义学上的逻辑悖论,在制度理性上不可能,在现实中也不存在。Complete credit system has illogicality in semantics. It is impossible on system, and does not exist in reality.

我着重这些微妙的细节并且夸大这些不合理来建立我自己版本的虚拟生物。I emphasize these subtle details and exaggerate their illogicality to cultivate my own version of invented creatures.

缓解了水印的不可见性与鲁棒性之间的矛盾,提高了水印安全性。This algorithm mitigate the illogicality between the robustness and invisibility and enhance the watermarking security.

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在“究竟是谁的遗产”一章中阿皮亚先生清楚地写明了许多文化遗产学说中的矛盾。In a chapter called "Whose culture is it, anyway?" Mr Appiah lays bare the illogicality of many cultural patrimony claims.

高校后勤职工普遍存在著文化水平偏低、技术水平较差、结构设置不合理等现象。In college and university, the logistic workers' cultural level and technical level are lower, the frame setting is illogicality.

针对不同地域小城镇发展的现状,该如何从差异影响机制入手,有差别的采取相应对策来弱化小城镇差异的不合理性?。How to do to weaken illogicality of difference between towns, in the light of actuality of development of towns in different districts?

配置EAF-LF-CCM短流程生产线生产HRB335-400高强度螺纹钢的突出矛盾是结瘤现象,带来的损失是多方面的。Making HRB335-400 in the EAF-LF-CCM processing , the most illogicality is nozzle clogging , & it will bring the general-purpose damnify.

当前大学教学督导在发展的过程中存在督导制度不完善、队伍建设不合理和工作方法简单等问题。There exist some problems such as faultiness in system, illogicality in constructing of team, the simple ways and means in teaching inspection.

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为何心知肚明的我却还要跌入爱河?因为我的欲望毫无逻辑、天真幼稚,无法阻止我对她的信念。Why did this awareness not prevent my fall into love? Because the illogicality and childishness of my desire did not outweigh my need to believe.

加缪认为荒谬是在非人性面前产生的不适感,是在我们所见的东西面前引起的堕落,是人与世界之间的唯一联系。Camus thinks of illogicality as discomfort aroused in the presence of inhumanity and degeneration in front of the substance human beings encounter.

软件人才总量不足,结构不合理是导致产业发展基础薄弱的重要因素。Shortage of software-applied talents and illogicality in structure are the dominating factors that lead to weakness in software-industry development.

而摆脱这种焦虑的可能道路就是走向非哲学的思想。Then, the possibility breaking away from this illogicality is tending towards "the thought" that is non-philosophy on the meaning of the western philosophy.

需求结构的不合理是制约中国经济增长的一个重要原因,因而有必要对需求结构不合理原因作进一步的分析。Currently illogicality in demand structure is an important factor restricting the growth of China's economy, so it is of high necessity to analyse the underlying causes.

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我国尚未形成系统的信托税收制度,存在信托税收调整不合理、信托收益税负不明确、不公平等一系列问题。China has not formed systemic trust tax law system, existed a series of problems including illogicality adjustment of trust tax, ambiguity and unfair of trust profit duty.

纵观中国古代历史长河,南朝时期既承受着外部胡马临江而日益加剧的民族矛盾,又面临着统治集团内部渐趋激化的阶级矛盾。In Chinese ancient history, Southern Dynasty did not only endure more and more intense national illogicality , but also be confronted with intestine gradational illogicality.

本文就唐山市海洋资源开发中存在的产业结构不合理、海洋生态环境遭到破坏等问题进行了分析。This paper gives a brief review on the existent problems in Tangshan marine resource exploitation, such as industry structure illogicality , marine environment breakage, etc.