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一个星期天,她尝试着她新的主张。One Sunday, she tried her new affirmation.

人靠肯定来生活比靠面包更甚。Man lives by affirmation even more than by bread.

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这是在本体论层面对历史规律存在的肯定。This is the noumenon affirmation of the historical law.

他肯定墨家的兼爱思想,并把“兼爱”与“交利”相连。He gave full affirmation of Each Other's Love and Mutual Benefit.

弄懂需要建议和需要肯定的区别。Know the difference between needing advice and needing affirmation.

他的最伟大的剧作都鲜明而有力地肯定了某些东西。His greatest plays are all plays of powerful clear-eyed affirmation.

在开庭审理弹劾案时,参议员们均应宣誓或誓愿。When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation.

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唯一比否定态度更有力量的是一个积极的肯定。The only thing more powerful than negativism is a positive affirmation.

不管你什么时候意识到消极思想了,用你的宣言去推开它。Whenever you notice a negative voice, push it out with your affirmation.

这种肯定会让人们感到自己被倾听,而且你也觉得自己是个英雄。This kind of affirmation makes people feel heard and you will feel like a hero.

那个人吆喝着申明说他盘算索回无目的的索赔。The man affirmed in assertion that he aimed to accost the accidental affirmation.

不过他说,他将把该奖视为对美国领导力的肯定而接受。But he would accept the prize, he said, 'as an affirmation of American leadership.

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如果你吻一个女人,你的心跳达到30,那肯定是恐龙。If you kiss a woman, your heartbeat is achieved 30, that affirmation is dinosaurian.

使用者通过了身份的确认后,即可具有上述使用权。The user can have above-mentioned right to use after the affirmation of the identity.

身体没有地点可以证明墙预制支柱形状的肯定承重墙。Site may prove wall body without the affirmation of prefabricated struts is main wall.

由于“存在”是客观的,于是进一步引申出“肯定、强调”义。For the "existence"is objective, so it can extend the meaning "affirmation", "emphasis".

不要断言你比整个市场更聪明而去追涨。Don't take such a quick rise as affirmation that you are smarter than the overall market.

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这并非是由于他们的生活不完整,因此需要最后的绚烂作为收尾。It was not that their lives were incomplete, in need of some final flourish of affirmation.

丝线看不出来是哪家的,但肯定是从江南来的。The silk thread cans not see clearly is which house, but affirmation comes from Chiang-Nan.

此项工作得到省委巡视组的充分肯定。This job gets provincial Party committee the sufficient affirmation of perambulatory group.