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失去土地的村民可以获得报酬。Landless villagers are paid for this work.

“失去了土地的大人们,”布朗·本说。“就像你,小恶魔。”"Landless lords, " said Brown Ben. "Like you, Imp. "

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在那些年月里无地的农民一贫如洗。In those years the landless peasants were brought to beggary.

行动援助工作以保证失地人群的公共土地,性工作者能到银行开户。Its work ensured public-land for landless and access to banks for sex workers.

维奴巴B创立了土地礼物运动来帮助印地安的贫穷和土地匮乏。Vinoba Bhave created the Land Gift Movement to help India's poor and landless.

贫农、雇农以及想出去见世面的青年踊跃要求参军。Pauperized tenants, landless peasants, adventure-seeking boys flocked to join him.

总之,种族灭绝给了没有土地的胡图族发动阶级斗争的接口。In short, the genocide gave landless Hutu the cover they needed to initiate class warfare.

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这位老翁是哈雅纳邦的一名雇农,这是他的第一个孩子。The elderly man, a landless farmer in Haryana state, is a proud father of his first child.

尾矿库坝坡无土植被护坡在国内是一项新兴的技术。The landless vegetation slope protection of tailing dams is a new technology in our country.

另外,随着水库的蓄水,产生大量失地农民需要安置。In addition, as the storage reservoirs, a large number of landless peasants who need rehouse.

这些失地农民找不到新的就业门路,陷入了种田无地、上班无岗的困境。These farmers can not find new jobs lost, caught in a farm landless , to the plight of non-post.

最后提出了解决失地农民问题的“可行能力”建设的政策理念。I propose the policy idea of capabilities construction to solve landless peasant's problem finally.

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随着城市化的快速推进,城郊失地农民的数量大幅增长。With the rapid progress of urbanization, the number of peri-urban landless peasants increased significantly.

直到1964年,巴西通过了一项法律,鼓励没有土地的农民走出贫民窟,自主开发国内的土地。Then in 1964, Brazil passed a law to encourage landless peasants to leave the slums and develop the interior.

这也同样适用于家庭一级,它表明农村无地者和城市贫民面临的风险最大。The same held true at household level, indicating that the rural landless and the urban poor were most-at risk.

但是这些已农民身份参加商讨会的人中,大多数事实上就是没有土地的劳工,根本没有种植茄子的经验。But most of these men, registered at the consultation as farmers, were in fact landless labourers with no aubergine experience.

巴西无地工人组织则批评总统卢拉的土地改革没有进展。In Brazil the MST – the landless workers' movement – has criticised President Lula for failing to make advances in land reform.

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本研究以我国东、西部439户被征地农民家庭的主要劳力为对象,通过问卷调查,考察了被征地农民的社会支持。The social support of landless farmer was explored by questionnaire in a survey of 439 landless farmers in east and west China.

村民告诉林氏说,他们很快没有地方住,如果政府不为他们处理和批准土地给他们。The villagers informed YB Lim that they will soon become landless if their land applications are not processed and approved to them.

在城市扩张的过程中征占农业用地的力度越大,失地农民就越多。In the process of urban expansion the stronger land expropriation in rural areas increased, the more farmers become landless peasants.