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在现实中,它是一个党专政。In reality, it is a party dictatorship.

周恩来呼吁要结束一党专政!Zhou Enlai calls to abolish one party dictatorship.

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示威者提出“不要贪污,不要专政”。"No to corruption," they say. "No to dictatorship."

我国实行的是人民民主专政制度。China applies the people's democratic dictatorship system.

他们实际上要的是法西斯主义的一党专政。What they really want is a one-party fascist dictatorship.

对于最终是民主政府还是专制政府,这至关重要。That if government's democracy or dictatorship. It matters.

人民民主专政业已巩固。The people's democratic dictatorship has been consolidated.

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人民民主专政能不用吗?Can we refrain from exercising the people's democratic dictatorship?

这也证明我们人民民主专政的优越性。Here is proof of the superiority of our people's democratic dictatorship.

我们的军队是无产阶级专政的柱石。Our army is the mainstay of the dictatorship of the proletariat in China.

人民民主专政需要工人阶级的领导。People's democratic dictatorship needs the leadership of the working class.

在中国近代以前的历史上,专制王朝虽时有更迭,专制制度却挥之不去。The dictatorship system has had its history of thousand years in the world.

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对人民实行民主,对敌人实行专政,这就是人民民主专政。This is what we mean by strengthening the people's democratic dictatorship.

对人民实行民主,对敌人实行专政,这就是人民民主专政。The people's army is a staunch pillar of the people's democratic dictatorship.

关建是绝大多数人认为民主就是好的,专制就是孬的。The point is, most people believe democracy is "good" while dictatorship "bad".

极权统治是一个关于他人死亡的故事,这个他人碰巧就是你。Dictatorship is a story about death of others who turn out to be you coincidently.

从此,伪满洲国崩溃垮台,二千年的皇帝专治彻底划上句号。Thence, Manchukuo fell apart, and emperor dictatorship for 2000years came to an end.

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专制的每一分骄横无不建立在匿名者的怯懦之上。Every piece of arrogance of the dictatorship is established upon cowardice of anonyms.

其实,二张并没有形成强大的政治势力,更没有专政。In fact, two Zhangs had neither formed strong political force nor exercised dictatorship.

他这一走,象征着六十年来阿拉伯世界世俗专制统治的结束。His departure overturns, after six decades, the Arab world’s original secular dictatorship.