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儿童如何在重复中找到规律?How Do Children Find Patterns in Reiteration?

最终,欧佩克只能维持已遭到有能力者违背的配额,这种结果几乎不可能引起惊慌。The resulting reiteration of quotas busted by those able to do so hardly instils fear.

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压力容器计算软件SW6-1998的现版本在计算中采用叠代方法以避免这个问题。The reiteration method is used in the present edition of SW6- 1998 to solve this problem.

这一点非常重要,基本上等同于第一步的重复。Skip the excuses.  This one is so crucial that it's essentially a reiteration of Number One, above.

重申这数字,比其它任何事情更能打消保守党重新上台的机会。The reiteration of this figure, more than anything else, wrecked the conservative chance of coming back.

词汇衔接可分为复现关系和同现关系两方面,是英语语篇衔接的最重要手段之一。Reiteration and collocation are the two lexical devices widely used in English of common science and technology.

本文根据语篇连贯研究的基本理论,分析探讨了词汇手段衔接语篇的功能及其形式特征。Reiteration and collocation are two types of lexical cohesion to complete text coherence by the selection of vocabulary.

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痛风是一种由嘌呤代谢紊乱所致的疾病,日久不愈、反复发作则逐渐形成痛风石沉积。Gout is a kind of disease for purin metabolized turbulence. If it reiteration for Long time, it will come into being tophus.

中方赞赏东盟成员国重申坚持一个中国政策的承诺。The Chinese side expressed appreciation for ASEAN members' reiteration of their commitment to adhering to the one-China policy.

词汇衔接可分为复现关系和同现关系两方面,是英语语篇衔接的最重要手段之一。This paper intends to approach the role lexical cohesion plays in textual coherence in the field of reiteration and collocation.

但是在质量差的那组作文中,词汇重复用的最多,其次是指示和连接的使用。While in low quality group, lexical reiteration is the most often used type of cohesive device, followed by reference and conjunction.

本文提出一种新的水平角观测法,该法把传统的复测法同全圆测回法结合起来。This paper puts forward a new method of measuring horizontal angles, which combines the traditional method of reiteration with the method of round.

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本文提出了用牛顿迭代法计算光线与双曲率面的交点,并给出了具体的计算公式。In this article the Newton reiteration is employed to calculate the cross point of rays intersecting a toric surface. The formulation is also offered.

我们重视美方多次重申坚持一个中国政策、遵守中美三个联合公报。China attaches importance to the U.S. side's reiteration of its commitment to adhering to the one-China policy and abiding by the three joint communiques.

语言递归性是语言的一种根本属性,它是指语言中相同结构成分的重复或相套。Language recursiveness, one of the essential properties of language, can be defined as reiteration or embedding of the same structural elements in language.

而且,质量好的那组作文中,指示用的最多,词汇重复其次,词汇搭配列于第三。What's more, in high quality group reference is the most often used type of cohesive device, lexical reiteration the second and lexical collocation the third.

如内外沟槽卡尺、钢丝绳卡尺、步距规等量具是以固定形式复现量值的测量器具。Such as list, wire rope caliper, groove caliper step distance measuring tools and fixed form such as customs reiteration of the value of measurement appliance.

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提出了以有限元动坐标迭代法为基础的短半径水平并双弯马达造斜率的计算方法,并给出了大曲率井眼中钻头侧向力的二重非线性数值解。The paper presents the calculation method of build-up rate of downhole motor with two bent subs in drilling short-radius horizontal wells, based on finite element reiteration.

这次会议之前,奥巴马在他的国情咨文中再次强有力地重申了美国在该地区的目标,以及美军将于7月开始撤军的决心。The session follows the president's strong reiteration in his State of the Union Address of U.S. objectives in the region, and the goal of beginning a U.S. troop draw down in July.

如何判明和消除重力仪格值系统误差对重力复测的影响是长期以来未能得到有效解决的问题。How to distinguish the systematic error of gravimeter calibration and eliminate its influence upon the results of gravity reiteration is a problem which has not been solved for a long time.