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首先,避孕套非常有弹性。First of all, condoms are very stretchy.

这些小圆块是有两个眼睛的弹性球体。The blobs are stretchy spheres with two eyes.

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一只蜘蛛是不会那样做的,但是它的蛛丝很有弹性。A spider wouldn't do that, but its silk is stretchy.

弹性短裤和T恤或是背心是首选。Stretchy shorts or pants and a T-shirt or tank top are best.

伸缩平面编织的美利奴羊与自启动袖口羊毛袖子。Stretchy flat-knit merino wool sleeves with self-starting cuffs.

于是默顿做了一个狗伸懒腰的动作,有点像在鞠躬似的。And Merton did this dog stretchy thing where he sort of like bowed.

地下茎呈匍匐状水平斜向伸长。Subterranean bine shows procumbent record level inclined to stretchy.

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这些拉管可以有很重的阻力,你可以拉拉它。These stretchy tubes offer weight-like resistance when you pull on them.

可以这样设想,将一块有弹性的包装纸钉在礼物的各顶点上。Imagine a stretchy wrapping paper that you pin to your gift at the vertices.

鞋子以与能伸长的有弹性覆盖物的磨蚀抗性脚趾盖子为特色。The shoe features an abrasion-resistant toe cover with stretchy elastic overlay.

但是,由于它是一种可伸展的材料,我就决定测试一下它的应变性质。But since it was made of a stretchy material, I decided to test its strain properties.

例如橡皮圈是有弹性的,肥皂是很滑溜的。People have personalities and so do things. Rubberbands are stretchy and soap is slippery.

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然而,「技术官僚」一词的部份吸引力便是这个标签可伸可缩。Part of the attraction of the term “technocrat”, however, is that the label is so stretchy.

它们鄂部的韧带可以夸张的伸缩,这样就可以把猎物整个的吞下去。They have stretchy ligaments in their jaws that allow them to swallow all their food whole.

科学家们,但是,克服这一点,现在能够产生长期辊的弹性塑料。Scientists have, however, overcome this and are now able to produce long rolls of the stretchy plastic.

她能够轻松地把它们的飘起,并把他们各人的紧身衣是一个非常有弹性的面料制成。She can easily put them on and take them off herself as the bodices are made of a very stretchy fabric.

另外,其良好整洁的弹性功能,使得即便是给最好动的婴儿换尿布成了一件轻而易举的事。Plus, Bum Genius diapers have neat stretchy tabs that make diapering even the most wiggly babies a breeze.

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如果你臀部较圆,不要选择后面有大口袋并且口袋相隔较开的牛仔裤,试试弹力纤维的布料。If you have curves stay away from back pockets that are large and too far apart, try jeans in a stretchy fabric.

如果你可以弯曲你的拇指去触碰你的下臂,那你脚上的韧带同样可以伸展。If you can bend back your thumb to touch your lower arm, the ligaments in your feet are probably stretchy , too, Dr.

他编织用来植入受伤的实验室动物的伸缩性塑胶布料,作为让新的肌腱细胞生长的一种支架。He weaves stretchy plastic fabrics to implant in injured lab animals─a sort of scaffold for growing new tendon cells.