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但是天然气供过于求怎么办?But what of our natural gas glut?

能不能喂饱无餍的死亡?Can these glut the greedy palate of Death?

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航运量的供过于求已经造成了利率下滑。The glut of shipping capacity has forced down rates.

而且我对“供过于求”这个概念感觉实在是太烦了。And I am so tired of the concept of “inventory glut.”

市场中依旧充斥着大量待售的房屋。The market is still swamped by a glut of for-sale houses.

刚孵出的石蚕蛾吸引它们到这里饱餐一顿。They're here to feed on a glut of newly hatched cadis flies.

你们为何如同天主一样逼迫我,吃了我的肉还不知足呢?Why do you persecute me as God, and glut yourselves with my flesh?

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许多旅店纷纷降价,预示着或许房屋供过于求。Price-cutting at many hotels suggests there may be a glut of rooms.

过多的皮质醇引发体重增加,特别表现在躯干和脸上。A glut of cortisol triggers weight gain, mostly in the trunk and face.

他透露,在2004年他曾试图提高利率,但大量储蓄的充斥使他的努力付诸东流。He tried to get rates up in 2004, he says, but the glut won’t let him.

去年供过于求亏损之后,养猪户缩小了养殖规模。Pig farmers cut back on production after losing money during last year's glut.

弗格森爵士承认伤兵满营让球队举步维艰。Sir Alex Ferguson admits a glut of injuries has unsettled Manchester United this season.

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但是按照现在的市场行情,平均折旧率是以前的两倍。But because of a current glut in the market, the average rate of depreciation has nearly doubled.

将华尔街搅得一团糟的大部分都是投资者不想再染指的受损资产。Much of what's gumming up Wall Street is a glut of impaired assets that investors no longer want.

但经纪公司称,由于香港金融业规模的缩小,香港的写字楼可能供大于求。But brokers say there now may be a glut of office space as Hong Kong's financial sector downsizes.

石油输出国组织发动了第二次大规模的石油冲击,接踵而来的是1980-1981年的世界性衰退和石油过剩。Opec has delivered a second major oil shock, followed by a world recession and oil glut in 1980-1981.

在某些大都市,过量的房屋止赎问题充斥、堵塞金融体系,是该问题放缓的主要原因。In some metros, foreclosures have slowed simply because a glut of foreclosures has clogged the system.

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因此,如果经济不能展开V形反弹,那么就会存在大量库存被结算的危险。Absent a 'V-shaped' economic recovery, therefore, the risk is of a glut of inventories being liquidated.

如今的产能过剩是俄国经济学家尼古拉·康德拉迪耶夫提出的五十年周期的一部分。The current capacity glut is part of a 50-year cycle identified by Russian economist Nikolai Kondratiev.

他们表示,香港作为亚洲最自由的资本市场之一,将吸引很多资金.Hong Kong, having one of the freest capital markets in Asia, would likely see a glut of funds, they said.