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那是个充斥着野蛮和沙文主义的年代。That was a time of savageness and chauvinism.

人无野蛮与文明之分,只是文化不同。Civilization is opposed to savageness and ignorance.

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有人会带着鼓和琵琶而来,他会使狮子的野蛮安抚下来。A man shall come with a drum and a lute, and he will soothe the Lions savageness.

这就是寻找一片纯净天然的奇境,在那里自由的生活。It is to find a wonderland that keeps a natural savageness and set myself free there.

因此,凡是使人脱离野蛮、蒙昧状态,使人更能得到全面发展的,就都是文明的体现。All that can help man out of savageness and ignorance is the embodiment of civilization.

现为中国肉类协会天然肠衣分会会员,拥有独立的进出口权及欧盟注册。Now we is member of China meat institute savageness casing branch. We possess of absolute entrance power and europe alliance register.

对天然金刚石、人造金刚石单晶及人造金刚石聚晶的性质、特点以及在现代精密加工中的应用作了比较。Analyses the quality and characteristic of the savageness diamond, synthetic diamond and PCD, compares the applications in the present exactitude machining.

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本文介绍了天然大理石饰面板的特征、施工方法和技术质量控制要求,并提出了成品保护的办法。This paper introduces character of savageness marble board, and its constructing method and quality control requirement, and puts forward method to protect product.

植物多酚与人类的生活息息相关,作为一类具有生物活性的天然物质,它对人的消化、营养、健康产生影响。Plant polyphenol is closely linked with human life. As a savageness substance with biological activity, plant polyphenol effects digest, nutrition and health of human.

目前在合成革领域亟待解决的问题是合成革在耐水解老化方面与天然皮革的差距还比较明显。At present the urgently problem in synthetic leather field is the distinct difference of hydrolysis resistance ability between synthetic leather and savageness leather.

目前在合成革领域亟待解决的问题就是合成革在吸湿透气方面与天然革的差距还比较明显。At present the urgently problem in synthetic leather field is the distinctness difference of moisture absorption ability between synthetic leather and savageness leather.

在奥布莱恩的小说中,美国士兵总是被歌颂为善良、崇高的拯救者。他们遵从上帝的旨意来到越南,希望将东南亚人民从野蛮、落后中拯救出来。Most American soldiers in O"Brien"s two novels are glorified as innocent and virtuous savors following God"s will to save Southeast Asians from savageness and backwardness.

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它可根据环保洁净煤的不同用途的需要,使用不同配方,改造煤炭原来的性质,克服天然煤存在的缺陷。The coal of primary character has been changed when using different additives for producing chemicals or metallurgical products. It can overcome savageness coal existent disfigurement.

用纯天然高纯轻烧镁粉经3000KVA电熔烧制而成的大结晶电熔砂,是高级碱性耐火材料。By pure savageness high pure magnesium power and 3000KVA fused magnesite to calcined crystal fused magnesite which is a high alkali refractories and have big, chemical is stabilization.

本文采用天然岩心串联组合方法,进行了平面非均质性对水驱油效果的影响实验研究。This paper puts up that affecting experiment opposing water driving oil impact of storing floor horizontal heterogeneity character by means of savageness rock core in series combination.