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你好!我是英里斯·济慈。Hi! I'm Morris Keats.

莫里斯从喀布尔发回报道称。Chirst Morris reports from Kabul.

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在贝德福街1406号莫里斯博物馆。I'm at the Morris Museum at 1406 Bedford Street.

玛德琳莫里斯从华盛顿发挥报道。Madeline Morris has this report from Washington.

莫里斯太太向他鞠躬,她太感激他了。Mrs. Morris bowed as she appreciated him so much.

这真的就是萨拉。莫里斯。这个伟大的萨拉。莫里斯。This was indeed Sharah Morris. Th great Sarah Morris.

尽管处在变革时期,但莫里斯并不孤独。Despite this period of change, Morris never felt alone.

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怀恩豪斯在周末有个大计划,毛里斯说。Winehouse had "big plans for the weekend, " said Morris.

莫里斯说,吃蘸酱墨西哥煎玉米卷让小鸡的鸡冠变得油亮鲜红。Morris said taco sauce makes her comb light up bright red.

你能区分奥斯丁舞和莫利斯舞吗?。Can't you tell the difference between an Austin and a Morris?

为了再次竞选,克林顿聘用了马克佩恩与狄克莫里斯。For his re-election, Clinton hired Mark Penn and Dick Morris.

纽约的店老板毛利斯和萝丝·米德姆夫妇想到一个很棒的点子。New York shop owners Morris and Rose Michtom had a great idea.

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但她并不准备对这家咖啡生产企业提出诉讼。Morris said she doesn't plan to file a lawsuit against Folgers.

蕨类叶片,野玫瑰的深红背景,威廉,莫里斯。Acanthus Leaves, Wild Rose on Crimson Background, William, Morris.

威廉·莫里斯为此特地到美国参观学习。William Morris to the United States specifically for this study tour.

马德琳·莫里斯和罗杰·赫林向他询问报告的核心结论。Madeleine Morris and Roger Hearing asked him about the key conclusions.

我很印象杰夫莫里斯的“做你自己做电工指南”。I am very impressed with Geoff Morris 's "Do It Yourself Handyman Guide".

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张忠谋是台湾经济转型能力的见证人之一。Morris Chang is living proof of Taiwan's ability to transform its economy.

莫里斯舞、足球、足球流氓、醉鬼,还有美丽的景色。Morris dancing, football, football hooligans, beer louts , pretty country.

莫里斯先生要么是不正确的,要么疏忽地将数字调换错了。Mr. Morris is either incorrect or has inadvertently transposed his numbers.