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她能感到胎儿有时在动。She can feel the child quickening at times.

治怀胎蕴热,胎动不安。Indicated for quickening due to heat-stagnation.

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改革的步伐似乎总是在加快。The pace of change always seems to be quickening.

是一种可以察知圣灵提示的能力。It is the ability to perceive the quickening of the Spirit.

这就是技术以如此之快的步伐发展的原因。It's the reason technology evolves at such a quickening pace.

今天是海斯特主导排名的第三天,销售还在加快。Today is day 3 of The Heist‘s reign, and sales are quickening.

最后,因为我希望所有的人重生,所以我要阐明归正的动机。And finally, for the quickening of all, I shall close with the motives to conversion.

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术语“胎动”定义为分娩的第二产程期间加快的脉搏。The term "quickening" refers to the rising pulse rate during the second stage of labor.

全球化进程的加快,使得国家间的相互依赖程度加深。The quickening globalization makes the interdependence on deferent nations and more deep.

全球化进程的加快,使得国家间的相互依赖程度加深。The quickening globalization makes the interdependence on deferent nations more and more deep.

随着人民币改革的加快,上海也纷纷制定了新的人民币回流方法。With the quickening of RMB reforms, Shanghai is also scrambling to devise new RMB backflow methods.

这个季节的确会加速血液循环、提高人们感官的兴奋程度。The season does induce a quickening of the blood and a heightening of human kind’s sensual pleasures.

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对此,提出加快达州市文化产业发展的九条建议。As for these, this paper puts forward nine proposals fur quickening the development of cultural industry.

这不只是HAARP或微波之类的东西辐射出的“波”,还是宇宙的胎动初期。It is not just "waves" beamed by such things as HAARP or microwaves, it is also a quickening of the cosmos.

随着零售市场的持续活跃,国外零售巨头加快了扩张的步伐。With sustained briskness of retail market, foreign retail magnates are quickening their business expansion.

可打木塞钉于墙体,不须做防水处理,降低成本,加快施工进度。It can nail a tie plug on the wall, it needn't doing waterproof treatment, lowing cost and quickening working.

随着金融市场化步伐的加快,公开市场业务操作的时机日臻成熟。With the quickening of financial market construction, the time comes to adopt the open market operation policy.

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随着城市化进程的加快,失地农民数量日益增多。Along with the quickening of urbanization, the number of farmers who have lost their land is increasing day by day.

你们越靠近扬升,一种活跃会发生,直到你们终于准备好伟大的提升。The nearer you get to Ascension a quickening will take place, until you are finally ready for the great upliftment.

可采用利尿药、腹膜透析、人工肾等加速毒物排出体外。Can use peritoneal and diuresis medicine, dialytic , artificial kidney to wait outside quickening poison eduction body.