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米凯尔的进步是零星的。Mikael's progress is sporadic.

欺诈是很零星的而且具有公司特性。Frauds are sporadic and company-specific.

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犬瘟的爆发是不定的。Outbreaks of distemper tend to be sporadic.

迪丹吉听到枪声变得越来越零散。Dingee heard the firing becoming more sporadic.

人类无法持续保持注意力These are--human attention tends to be sporadic.

其他零星警民冲突亦时有发生。There have been other sporadic clashes with police.

它被发现分散E电离云彩行动。It is found that the sporadic E ionisation clouds move.

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我思念的行李,孤孤单单,零零散散。I miss the luggage, isolated lonely single, zero sporadic.

散发性髓样癌预后较差。Medullary carcinoma of the sporadic type carries a worse prognosis.

自2月中以来报告了基孔肯亚病的散在病例。Sporadic cases of chikungunya have been reported since mid-February.

你们比我更清楚,而我听到的只是零星消息。You know this better than I. I received only sporadic news about it.

村内零零星星几幢房屋,还有满山的油茶。Sporadic blocks of houses in the village, there are mountains of tea.

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主产地山东临沂,江苏、安徽也有零星资源。The origin of Linyi in Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui also sporadic resources.

在突击队员冲入酒店的时候,可以听到零星枪声。Sporadic gunshots could be heard outside as commandos entered the hotels.

由于工厂倒闭或减产,偶尔会发生一些抗议活动。Sporadic protests have broken out as some factories close or cut production.

美国两党中不时出现要求盖特纳辞职的呼声。He has faced sporadic calls for his resignation from corners of both parties.

我的医生告诫过我要注意情绪不稳、潮热和不规则的经期。My doctor had warned me about mood swings, hot flashes, and sporadic periods.

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目的探讨家族性与散发性精神分裂症的异同。Objective To study of clinical features of family and sporadic schizophrenia.

巴黎郊区偶发的骚动成为他的论据。Sporadic eruptions in the banlieues of Paris pose a challenge on his doorstep.

暴乱分子零星的炮火声在主街道上空回荡。Sporadic gunfire from insurgents down the main road flies harmlessly overhead.