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我们的领带是桔黄色的。Our ties are orange.

莫扎特结连理.Mozart ties the knot.

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领结也很酷。And bow ties are cool.

与他们建立关系。to build our own ties.

他还系领结。He also wears bow ties.

这项任务使她受到了限制。The task ties her down.

绦带关系在腰部。Sash belt ties at waist.

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我的衣服在背后打结。My dress ties at the back.

我爸爸喜欢素色的领带。My father likes plain ties.

领带上的军团条纹?Regimental stripes on ties?

与侵犯人权者的关系。Ties with rights violators.

领带及领结。Ties, bow ties and cravats.

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都是第二回合的主场。Both games were second-leg ties.

可以避免明显的平局情况Just want to avoid obvious ties.

欧盟有非洲关系甚好。The EU have great ties to Africa.

至于奥巴马和Raines呢?But ties between Obama and Raines?

汉译英--男人有多少领带也不会嫌多。A man can never have too many ties.

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拴上雪橇扬起鞭,啊!Ties up the sled to raise the whip!

中英政治关系更加紧密。We have seen closer political ties.

我只在正式场合才打领带。I only wear ties on formal occasion.