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变化速度之快,令统计工作手足无措。The speed of change is rapid, the statistics bewildering.

这些排挡看上去差不多,碟子热让人困惑。The kiosks all look alike to us and the dishes bewildering.

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对许多当地执法官员来说,这是一个令人费解的新世界。For many local law enforcement officials, it is a bewildering new world.

在置地广场床上用品专区,笔者见到了琳琅满目的绣花凉席。At Landmark bedding zones, the author met a bewildering range embroider word.

数学的应用面是非常广的,不能受它的表面上的抽象而迷惑。The use of mathematics is very wide, although it looks abstract and bewildering.

一个可作为混杂排列的计算机附件的统称词。A word that serves as a catchall for a bewildering array of computer accessories.

这件令人扑朔迷离的事儿一经传出,立即轰动了十里八村。Upon the bewildering news runs through the village, the villagers were all shocked.

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你一到就会有一张让人眼花缭乱的书单塞到你手里。As soon as you arrive you will have a bewildering reading list thrust into your hand.

他指出,这个峡谷中有许多特色,其中之一就是它的景物五光十色,令人眼花缭乱。He points out that one of the great features of the valley is its bewildering diversity.

目前穆斯林兄弟会是新旧势力之间的冲突焦点。The Muslim Brotherhood in its current form is a bewildering contradiction of old and new.

全国范围内,各州适用法律之间的差别往往令人迷惑。Nationally, the distinctions between applicable laws in individual states are bewildering.

而现实中存在着和我们的教育格格不入又令人困惑的现象。And the education that move and we exist in reality is antipathetic bewildering phenomenon.

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在令人迷惑的芭蕾舞中,长颈鹿用脖子互相缠斗。In a bewildering balletic dance, giraffes use their necks to head butt each other in battle.

电影、录像、光盘和光盘驱动器只是能为他们提供令人眼花缭乱的大量信息的几种手段。Films, videos, CDs and CD-ROMS are just some of the bewildering amount of information they will have.

打盹时间尽量控制在30分钟以内,这样可以让你能够避免更长时间的打盹引起的头脑昏昏的不良效应。Keep it under 30 minutes long and you should be able to avoid the bewildering effects of longer naps.

“兴亡周期率”是君主政治或“人治”所不能跳出的历史怪圈。Rise and fall periodic law" is historical bewildering trap that monarchy or "man ruling" cant jump out.

在雷看来,人类还有他们的太空堡垒远征军的任务从一开始就让他感到疑惑,现在他更搞不懂了。To Rem , the Humans and their REF mission had been bewildering from the beginning, but never more so than now.

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棒球就和做生意一样,两者都充斥着杂乱无序的百分率、图表和数据。Baseball, like all businesses, is bombarded with a bewildering number of percentages, graphs, charts and statistics.

这是第一种这样的医务室,包含有一系列令人眼花缭乱的设备摆放,其中的设备还包括为火星任务设计的探测仪。The first of its kind, it contains a bewildering array of equipment, including probes designed for missions to Mars.

“哦,我也是,”杨先生说道,感觉就像意识扑朔迷离中突然出现一块新的浮冰。"Oh, so am I," said Mr. Young, leaping gratefully onto this new ice floe in the bewildering stream of consciousness.