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不能听任错误思想自由泛滥。No erroneous ideas should be allowed to spread unchecked.

命中注定的哪个人,总会为你排山倒海破空而来。Destined to which people, always for you to ride unchecked.

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作为一个母亲,我深陷懊悔之中。In regarding herself as a mother, her remorse festers unchecked.

但是这些年来这诡异的仪式未受遏制的一直延续下来。But all these years the strange practice has been going on unchecked.

任由鹿糟蹋会很容易把庄稼都毁了。Crops can be all too easily decimated by unchecked depredations by deer.

决不允许错误思想到处泛滥。In no circumstances should erroneous ideas be allowed to spread unchecked.

英国石油公司还有另外一个方案-从漏油的油井中用虹吸管把油抽走。BP has another plan-it might try to siphon oil away from the unchecked well.

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病变组织能肆意生长的原因之一是它们能压制免疫系统。One reason tumors can grow unchecked is that they suppress the immune system.

胶订先生曾不经意“泛滥”垃圾邮件过滤的余心控制面板。Bookbinder had unwittingly "unchecked" the spam filter in the MS Mind control panel.

但是中国人民对过度发展所付出的代价越来越忍无可忍了。But the Chinese people are growing impatient with the costs of unchecked development.

就象未发现的肿瘤一样,仇恨腐蚀着人格,吃掉它生存的部分。Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity.

在温切斯特战斗之后,李将军的军队一路畅通无阻,进入宾夕法尼亚州的坎伯兰山谷。After Winchester, Lee's army moved unchecked into the Cumberland Valley of Pennsylvania.

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有人说,让一位市长无拘无束的行使权力也存在一定的危险。It has also, some say, demonstrated the dangers of letting a mayor's power go unchecked.

胶订先生曾不经意“泛滥”垃圾邮件过滤的余心控制面板。Mr. Bookbinder had unwittingly "unchecked" the spam filter in the MS Mind control panel.

为了看清楚未加抑制的浪费杀伤力能有多大,我们将观察一下最近的经济嘣溃。To see how devastating unchecked waste can be we'll examine the recent economic collapse.

然而,在是否允许未检测的DDNS更新上可能有一个重大安全问题。However, there can be a major security issue with DDNS updates if they are allowed unchecked.

毋庸置疑,不受抑制,过度膨胀的政府才是产生纰漏的根源。Needless to say, it is the unchecked and overinflated government that is causing the mischief.

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还要注意,这里仍然对异常未加检查,这将使代码异常简洁。Also note the continuing pattern of unchecked exceptions, which keeps the code remarkably concise.

缺少叶酸则可能会使肿瘤占上风,使之发生未加抑制的突变。The lack of folate might enable cancer to get the upper hand, allowing mutations to occur unchecked.

这些激情洋溢的字句以及放浪形骸的学者气质生动说明了专业科学工作者的价值。These words of enthusiastic and unchecked scholarship make plain the price of scientific specialisation.