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使用基于名字的虚拟主机。Use name-based virtual hosting.

哈,他们现在在主持派对呢。Uh-uh. They're hosting the party now.

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Bluehost是一家伟大的主机公司。BlueHost is a great web hosting company.

是否使用了基于域名的虚拟主机?Do you use domain-based virtual hosting?

这就是我接受招待你这个任务的原因。It's why I drew the duty of hosting you.

举办世界博览会曾经是一件大事。Hosting a world expo was once a big deal.

在托管平台上的本地感观Native look-and-feel for hosting platform

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如因您正在接待仆人方外入经历,没有要担口。Don't fret if you are a newbie at hosting.

将提供免费托管的网站空间。Will provide free hosting space for the site.

COM不能用于本托管帐户。COM is not available for this hosting account.

招待,网设计,联机提升和更多!Hosting , web design, online promotion and more!

我没有认真调查网站代管公司。I didn’t do proper research on hosting companies.

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在好的月份里,收入也只够支付主机托管费。On a good month it might cover your hosting fees.

更详细的规格将有机会通过总理。We will be using Rackspace Cloudsites for hosting.

COM免费虚拟主机账户设置为我们的客户。COM to setup free web hosting accounts for our clients.

我对墨西哥政府主办这次会议表示感谢。I thank the government of Mexico for hosting this event.

获奖的美国虚拟主机与全天候技术支持。Award Winning Web Hosting with 24x7 US Technical Support.

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DLR宿主规格说明书已经发布了一个更新过的草案。An updated draft of the DLR Hosting Spec has been released.

整机托管与虚拟主机托管有什么区别?Machine hosting and virtual hosting what is the difference?

关于在虚拟世界主持会议的经验What did we learn about hosting meetings in virtual worlds?