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他和他的同事们用一只死人的手测试这台机器。He and colleagues tested it using a cadaver hand.

他们把这样的实验室开在优美的高尔夫胜地?Do they hold the cadaver labs at fancy golf resorts like this one?

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然而,尸体贸易几乎触及禁忌的边缘。However, the technicalities of the cadaver trade somewhat skirt this taboo.

通过在黑暗环境下进行长时间曝光拍摄,他们得到了整个尸体的光影涂鸦。The resulting images are long-exposure "light paintings" of the entire cadaver.

在这密室内藏了一具与应佳长得很像的女尸。A female cadaver that grows very to resemble with Ying Jia hid inside this penetralia.

在新鲜尸体样本上所作的验证性试验表明该系统适用于计算机辅助耳鼻喉科手术。Preliminary results on cadaver specimen show the system is suited for clinical ENT surgery.

在我死亡后很短的时间内,我的心脏将会继续存在There'll be a brief period in which, as a cadaver I suppose, my heart will continue to exist.

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我们曾进行过一项尸体解剖研究,以确定降鼻中隔肌的解剖学变异。We performed a cadaver study to define the anatomic variations of the depressor septi muscle.

赶紧从这些死尸里拖两具出来填到轮子底下,好让我们快点上路。Pull two to come out to fill wheel from these cadaver at once next, good let us quickly start off.

谁愿意想象有人穿着皮裤用鞭子和狗链抽丫死掉的奶奶?Who wants to think of a guy in leather pants beating grandma's cadaver with a whip and a dog chain?

应用胶原人工皮覆盖自体微粒皮进行了全层皮肤切除的创面混合移植。Microskin autografts were covered with artificial collagen skin, pig skin and cadaver skin in the rats.

就在那一瞬间,我感到血管里的血仿佛一下子凝固了,我象抱住一具死尸一样感到恶心。Suddenly, I felt that my blood seemed curdled. It seemed to be that I was holding a cadaver causing nausea.

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方法观察了30个尸头和75侧干燥颅骨标本上鼻腔外侧壁结构,测量自前鼻棘至有关结构的长度和矢状角。Methods The structures of the lateral nasal wall were observed on 30 cadaver head specimens and 75 dry half skulls.

每一具尸体都是性目标,以此看来,那个炸光全身的恐怖分子便是我们共同之宿命的象征。Every cadaver is a sex object, and in that sense the terrorist who blew off his body is a symbol of our common fate.

法外之地滋生变态人魔,密室分尸惊现隐形凶手!The ground outside the law creates abnormal person monster, jing of penetralia cent cadaver shows invisible murderer!

另一种新的解决尸体短缺的办法是在取得尸体上通过新的一套商业投机者参与的途径来保证标本的供应。Another novel solution to the cadaver shortage lies in securing specimens from a new set of actors in the commerce in cadavers.

如果马里兰州是广大美国尸体贸易的代表那么我们可以从分析中学到一些东西。If the State of Maryland is representative of the broader U.S. cadaver commerce, some lessons can be learned from the analysis.

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结果所有经典定义的各层次在尸解中均可清晰辨认。Results All the conventionally described structures in the temporal region could be clearly defined in the cadaver dissections.

美女死尸居然复活,艳遇原来另有隐情,是真爱还是陷阱?Belle cadaver revives unexpectedly, colourful encounter have facts one wishes to hide additionally before, be true love or trap?

在哥本哈根动物园,一头雄狮愉快地接受了一匹死马,它全力以赴地投入这顿大餐,甚至把马腿也整个吞入口中。In the Copenhagen zoo, a male lion was so happy to get a horse cadaver that he bit into the horse's foot and got completely stuck.