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此应用程序被称为放射诊断。This application is known as diagnostic radiography.

光影像仪的光采集系统是X光影像仪的核心。Opto-collection system is a core of X-ray Computed Radiography.

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在某些辐射照相术中还在使用镭。镭也用作中子源。It is still used for some radiography and as a source of neutrons.

目的使用影像学手段分析种植义齿颈部牙槽骨丧失情况。Objective To analyze peri-implant alveolar bone loss with radiography.

目的讨论数字射线成像技术在国内外的发展。Aim To discuss the development of digital radiography in internationality.

诊断仍以钡剂造影及内窥镜检查为主要手段。The means of diagnosis were barium radiography and endoscopic examination.

这是在放射医学培训计划的一个组成部分。This is an integral part of the training in the Medical Radiography Program.

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钡剂造影表现是充盈缺损,龛影和桥形皱襞等。Barium radiography showed there were filling defect, niche, bridging fold, etc.

目的对高KV摄影的概念从临床角度作新的评价。Objective To evaluate High-KV radiography concept again with the clinical view.

方法分析10例脊髓畸胎瘤的临床和影像表现。Methods 10 cases of spinal teratomas were analyzed with clinical and radiography.

在平片上很难估计右心房的大小。Estimation of right atrial size on plain radiography is fraught with difficulties.

另外需要提醒的是,X线摄片不能用于诊断早孕。Another what need reminds is, X-ray radiography results cannot be used in diagnosis.

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目的提高对肺曲菌球CT和胸片表现的认识。Objective To enhance the knowledge of pulmonary aspergilloma on CT and chest radiography.

放射学是利用电离电磁辐射,如X射线视图对象。Radiography is the use of ionizing electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays to view objects.

基于此项技术的X光设备也特别适合于数字X光摄像。X-ray units based on this technology are also particularly suitable for digital radiography.

本文简单地叙述了热中子照相的原理和方法。The principle and methods of thermal neutron radiography are described briefly in this paper.

目的探讨数字成像系统在支气管造影中的应用价值。Objective To discuss the applicative value of digital imaging system in bronchial radiography.

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这一工艺充分对应口外X光摄像中放大器箔片的使用。This process substantially corresponds to the use of an amplifier foil in extraoral radiography.

最后结合射线照相法底片评定标准,对射线实时成像图像评定进行了初步的研究。Compared with standard of film assess, the assess method of real-time radiography is primarily probed.

对于冠状面剪力骨折患者的评价要从临床和放射性评估开始。Evaluation of a patient with a coronal shear fracture begins with clinical assessment and radiography.