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煤气灯投下一片片幽暗的光。Gaslights cast a shadowy glow.

那有阴影的地方呢?What about that shadowy place?

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夜在它阴郁的梦魇上疾驰The night gallops on its shadowy mare

它的火焰照亮了昏暗的夜晚。Its flame brightens the shadowy night.

在那里她遇到了一个不明来历的陌生人李军。There she meets a shadowy stranger Li Jun.

啊!模糊的景物,表情丰富的夜晚!Hail! shadowy forms of still, expressive Eve!

他们蹲在多阴的山坡上。They crouched together on a shadowy hillside.

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呃,其实这不过是一种望风捉影的悬想。Well, it really is but a shadowy supposition.

夕阳西下,树林里变得幽暗起来。The woods turned shadowy as the sun went down.

五月花朦胧模糊的身影停靠在动荡的海上。Dimly the shadowy form of the Mayflower riding at anchor.

昏暗的月光下,非洲象就在我周围走动,就像朦胧的幻影。Elephants moved around me in the waning light like shadowy forms.

在生活的黑暗褶子里,是找不到其他的珍珠的。There is no other pearl to be found in the shadowy folds of life.

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一时间,在他的思想中模模糊糊闪出了重婚这个念头。Bigamy lightened the horizon of his shadowy thoughts for a moment.

满怀信心,勇往直前,迎接迷朦的未来。Go forth to meet the shadowy Future, without fear, and with many a heart.

走向尚不明朗的未来吧,不要害怕,要带着一颗勇敢的心。Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear, and with a manly heart.

暗夜在它阴郁的梦魇中疾走,在大地上撒下缕缕蓝色的穗缨。The night gallops on its shadowy mare shedding blue tassels over the land.

黑色的部分不要太多,因为这些都是阴影部分。You don’t want too much black because that’s going to be the shadowy part.

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随后,这个影子人再没多说一句话就闪进了黑暗中。The shadowy figure then disappeared into the darkness without another word.

望着模糊的字迹,打了一通又一通错误的电话…He looked at the shadowy scripts and made wrong phone calls again and again.

永夜躺在你的路边,平明在朦胧的山后就寝。The lone night lies along your path, the dawn sleeps behind the shadowy hills.