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火山作用和火山的种类。Volcanism and volcanic types.

该城建立在火成岩与火山灰上。It’s built on volcanic rock and ash.

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集块岩是一种火山性角砾石。An agglomerate is a volcanic breccia.

火山灰、火山砾、火山块和火山弹。Volcanic ash, lapilli, block and bombs.

火山爆发是冰岛复仇记?A volcanic eruption — Iceland's revenge?

停车场附近有个火山资料展示室。Parking near a volcanic material showroom.

而这场红色德比却要求他两者兼顾。This volcanic derby required him to do both.

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大海龟们一定也很喜欢这样的沙滩。Turtles must love this kind of volcanic beach.

岛群由火山岛和珊瑚礁组成。Island group from the volcanic island and cays.

火山区有丰富的硫磺。Sulfur is found abundantly in volcanic regions.

火山作用形成海山、海丘。Volcanic activity formed seamount and sea bill.

这儿是一片死火山的中心地带。Here is the center of an extinct volcanic field.

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富山湾外的火山海滨闪烁着铁蓝色。A volcanic beach off Toyama Bay glows electric blue.

萨卢斯特是颗大气环境严酷的火山星球。Sullust is a volcanic planet, with a harsh atmosphere.

火山岩可以成为良好的油气储层。Volcanic rock can become favorable oil-gas reservoirs.

天池是世界上最高的火山湖。Lake Tianchi is the highest volcanic lake in the world.

在那里尤哥罗斯魔活跃于无尽的火山斜坡之上。It is where yugoloths cavort on endless volcanic slopes.

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成群的马匹正飞奔逃离火山熔岩灰雾。Horses are herded to safety away from the volcanic cloud.

Cascade山脉是由熔岩以及火山物组成的。The Cascades are made up of lavas and volcanic materials.

我们看到了他的比赛,他的爆发力就象喷薄而出的火山。We have seen him play, and the explosiveness is volcanic.