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漆面已经开始剥落了。The paintwork is beginning to peel.

他刮坏了汽车的油漆。He scraped the paintwork of his car.

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他刮坏了他的汽车的油漆。He scraped the paintwork off his car.

他擦坏了汽车上的油漆。He scrapped the paintwork of his car.

用块柔软的布把漆面擦亮。Buff up the paintwork with a soft cloth.

这带来了早期的车漆老化。This brought an early aging of the paintwork.

有个石子击到汽车上,打坏了漆面。A stone hit the car and damaged the paintwork.

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在美国的许多城市,出门没车是很困难的。The paintwork was damaged when my car hit the gate.

你可以看到油漆工作非常琐碎。是的。You can see the paintwork has got quite chipped. Right.

"我的汽车撞到街上的路灯柱子上,汽车外面的油漆被弄坏了。"。The paintwork was damaged when my car hit the street lamp post.

当你给我装饰车子的时候,请注意油漆方面的东西。While you are detailing my car , please pay attention to the paintwork.

涂刷药膏能够提升光泽和保护油漆。Fine burnishing creams can be used to improve gloss on paintwork and to protect it.

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如果您准备自行修复漆面,那么应该确保所使用的油漆与漆面相匹配。If you plan to touch up the paintwork yourself, make sure you get the right paint match.

随着人们的走动,楼梯转角上的油漆慢慢地有了缺损和擦伤。Paintwork on the corner of a stairway tends to get nicked and scratched as people pass by.

楼梯间和走廊的内部特点是,通过丰富多彩的油漆和照明,显露出混凝土的偏移。Inside the stairwells and hallways feature exposed concrete offset by colourful paintwork and lighting.

特殊车轮的装饰物和双色调漆只是不必要的点缀品而已。The basic car it adequate and the special wheel trims and two-tone paintwork are just icing on the cake.

它非常轻,但又非常有力,而表面无油漆则能明显展示其完全防划伤性能。It is very light yet very strong, and the lack of paintwork means it is completely scratch-proof, apparently.

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不要用化学试剂或清洁试剂清洁导航仪,这样会损伤机器表面和腐蚀喷漆。Never deploy any chemical or detergent to clean up the navigator to prevent erosion of the surface and paintwork.

我公司生产的烤漆玻璃色彩艳丽多样,漆层附着力强,主要有红烤漆,黑烤漆,黄烤漆,白烤漆等。Storing Varhish Glass we made is colorful, paintwork has strong adhesion, including color of red, black, white, yellow and so on.

我将要向大家介绍如何创建出一个饱经风霜的,油漆都退掉的金属表面。Here I will show you how I create a painted metal surface worn by time with paint chipping off, revealing older paintwork underneath.