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这疾病是普遍性的。The malady is universal.

可叹的是我的病痛却找不到香膏来治愈。I suffer a malady that no balm can cure !

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尼古拉斯·泰罗尔得了什么病?What malady is Nicholas Tyrol suffering from?

我妈妈认为电玩是股社会歪风。My mom thinks video games are a social malady.

“独断论”是当今学术研究的弊病。Dogmatism is a malady in the academic research nowadays.

爱看见了罪的奴性,就寻找一个释放的途径。Love saw the malady of sin, and sought a balm of healing.

一种怪病感染了掌握奥术的精灵。A strange malady infects elves who can cast arcane spells.

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不知道自己的无知,是无知者的通病。To be ignorant of one's ignorance is the malady of ignorance.

“独断论”是当今学术研究的弊病。Violent crime is only one of the malady afflict modern society.

另外一种照片中经常出现的问题是手腕被弯折。Another common malady that shows up in images are broken wrists.

你应该即刻治愈你自己的这种心理矛盾或心理病症。You should heal yourself of this mental conflict or malady at once.

它仅仅是将这种疾病送还给了正常的生活,从而帮助人们接受它的存在。It merely brings the malady back into normal life. It helps to accept it.

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一些人不能明白他的三摩地,形容它是神经紧张的疾病。Some could not understand his samadhi and described it as a nervous malady.

但王子的病比他们想象的要严重,也就是不能那么容易医治。But Hamlet's malady lay deeper than they supposed, or than could be so cured.

谁知此后丁竦性情大变而成为人君的心腹大患。Who knows, after Ding temperament changed and become the ruler a mortal malady.

一种普遍性的疾病,是需要普遍性而非宗派性的疗方。It is a universal malady which requires a universal remedy, not a sectarian one.

最近我被诊断出一种在中年男人中常见的疾病,这病让我有点控制不住膀胱。I was recently diagnosed with a fairly common middle-age-guy malady where your bladder gets leaky.

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思想一僵化,不从实际出发的本本主义也就严重起来了。Once people's thinking becomes rigid, book worship, divorced from reality, becomes a grave malady.

对于某些人,巨大痛苦的来源是他们微微向后长的发型轮廓,无论如何它们看起来都像是现代社会的疾病。For some, a source of deep anguish is a receding hairline which somehow seems to be a modern malady.

阴阳五行学说是中国古老的智慧,“阴阳协调,百病不生”。The theory of Yin Yang is Chinese old wisdom, as the saying goes "No malady with the unity of Yin Yang".