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你的吊袜带里仍旧还有那把勾刀吗?Still got that knife in your garter?

海伦让帕里斯拿走了她的袜带。Helen allowed Paris to take her garter.

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李奇会脱掉卡西的吊袜带,然后丢出去。Rich takes off Cath 's garter and throws it.

这个我可不能告诉你!"袜带说。"That I shall not tell you!" said the garter."

我先生昨天买给我新的吊袜带。My husband bought me a new garter belt yesterday.

嘉德勋位是古老的骑士勋位。The Order of the Garter is an ancient order of chivalry.

容然后男孩慢慢把吊袜带系到女孩的腿上,系得越高越好。The boy then puts the garter belt on the girl's leg slowly.

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有时,新郎把新娘的袜带扔向未婚男人们。Sometimes the groom throws the bride's garter to the unmarried men.

“吉福斯,把我的袜子和吊袜带脱了。”他默默地服从了她。"Jeeves, take off my stockings and garter. " He silently obeys her.

“杰维斯,”她继续说道,“现在脱掉我的长筒袜子和吊袜腰带。”"Jervis," she continued, "now take off my stockings and garter belt.

袜带针后,使用所有的行都是使用一针针织。The garter stitch is used after all your rows are done using a knit stitch.

一条有条纹的嘎特小蛇正在草丛中蜿蜒的向罗拉游来。A striped garter snake came flowing and curving through the forest of grass.

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皮质紧身衣,吊袜腰带和性感凌乱的头发,都会让你成为顶级野性尤物。Be totally over-the-top with leather bustier, garter belts and sexy tousled bed head.

要不,他便得谈到珂赛特的吊袜带,那在他是不可能的。He would have been obliged to speak to Cosette of her garter , and that was impossible.

爸爸为我抹药看吊针换光盘,妈妈为我做好吃的,他们都为我忙得不可开交。Dad wipe medicine see in garter st CD for me, mother do eat for me, they are very busy for me.

下穿黑色吊袜带设置它,娃娃装,超短裙,或日常为最终在便利!Wear it under a black garter set, babydoll, miniskirt, or everyday for the ultimate in convenience!

我告诉他和通常在那时,我将穿袜带和长袜,严密地限制和丝一样的手套。I told him and usually at that time, I would wear garter belt and stockings, corset and silky gloves.

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一条条纹交错的束带蛇则在雨林的边缘低地迎来了她的三个小宝宝。A checkered garter snake gave birth to three baby snakes in the ginger belt at the edge of the rain forest.

我赶紧将第二杯伏特加一饮而尽,掏出记事簿和笔准备记录,其间又偷偷调整了一下吊袜带,希望他没有注意到我这个微小的动作。Draining a second Stoli, I took out my pad and pencil, and adjusted my garter belt, hoping he wouldn't notice.

我赶紧将第二杯伏特加一饮而尽,掏出记事簿和笔准备记录,其间又偷偷调整了一下吊袜带,希望他没有注意到我这个微小的动作。Draining a second Stoli, I took out my pad and pencil, and adjusted my garter belt, hoping he wouldn’t notice.